It is up to us to fix the system
So, just curious, who lobbied for mandatory auto insurance? What about seat belts? What penalties do you pay if you are “caught?”
And those of you out there are who are foolish enough to think you are not currently paying for the “uninsured” right now — what do you think drives up the cost of health care to you as individuals — when the hospitals, doctors or other medical providers have to write-off thousands of dollars annually for uninsured recipients of care in the emergency department or otherwise.
Why is it always someone else’s fault when providers, your doctors, dentists, or medical facilities, have to pay out thousands of dollars for liability insurance just to provide you with care to cover themselves against horrendous liability lawsuits … that in most cases never materialize, but somehow the costs are transferred to those folks receiving care. Yes, I agree the system is broken, but you have to start somewhere. The system doesn’t owe us anything, we are the system and its up to us to fix it.
So quit the blame game, and remember where you came from. If you look hard enough we are all “immigrants” to some degree no matter what your color or nationality is. That’s what America is and I’m proud to say I’m one!