Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Non-violent revolution will realign priorities

| May 3, 2010 9:00 PM

Even though he has some of the lowest approval ratings of recent presidents, history will see Obama as the source of America’s salvation.

Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt we could not have previously imagined, his efforts to socialize medicine have been met with fierce resistance nationwide, TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have had little positive effect on our economy leaving unemployment way too high for what appears to be the next decade. Entitlement programs have mushroomed to unsustainable heights and there is anger boiling in the populace. That is why Barak is such a good thing for America.

Obama is the symbol of creeping liberalism that has infected our society like cancer for 100 years. As Hitler was the face of fascism, Obama will known as the face of unchecked liberalism, a cancer that has progressed to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Regular Americans who have quietly gone about their lives for years, have gotten off  the fence. They have woken up. There is a level of political activism in the country that hasn’t been seen since The Revolutionary War.

America was the symbol of liberty and freedom for the planet, but over the last 50 years liberalism has tried to restructure that country and we’ve learned to tolerate it. Immigration laws ignored for compassion, welfare policy that encouraged a cycle of generations of dependency.

Debt regarded as oil to lubricate the economy, school kids graduating being told how special they are but can’t read or do simple math. Productive members of society are heavily taxed to support legions of do-nothings who lay around whining about their addictions and “disabilities.” Criminals arrested and re-arrested, pampered and then let free to loot the citizens again. Political correctness trumps common sense. And not to forget lawyers extorting huge sums from doctors and business with frivolous lawsuits.

Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They are organizing, studying the Constitution, reading case law, showing up at rallies, and many conservatives are considering running for office.

There is a revolution brewing that will be non-violent and realign our  priorities and sensibilities. It will take us back to adherence to  the document that has guided us for two centuries: the Constitution. Thanks, Obama, for getting us back on track after 100 years of nonsense.

