Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Why can't we hit 100-percent voter turnout

| May 24, 2010 9:00 PM

I hope you’re planning to vote today. If you aren’t, however, you won’t get much sympathy from me if you want to complain about the results.

The polls are open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. and finding out where you vote if just a quick phone call to the Bonner County Clerk’s office at 255-3631  or a click or two on the Bee’s website — — away.

You can also download the Bee’s election pages with candidate’s responses to our election questionnaire as well as sample ballots to mark which candidate you like the best for easy reference when you head to the polls.

There are a lot of big races that will be decided in the primary election in Bonner County.

Did a family member serve in the military? Great-grandparents immigrate from the old country? Did a great-great-grandmother march as a suffragette? Too many people have sacrificed too many things to give us the ability to vote — you owe it to them to take five minutes out of your day to vote. More importantly, you owe it to yourself.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or none of the above, doesn’t matter. It boils down to your responsibility, your obligation to participate in the process.

These days, we are all quick to demand our rights. With those rights, however, come responsibilities. Think about it as the yin and yang of democracy – can’t have one without the other.

Not registered. No big — you can register at the polls.

Experts predict low voter turnout today. Let’s prove them wrong.

Caroline Lobsinger is the managing editor of the Bonner County Daily Bee.