Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The bottom line is one of fairness

| November 4, 2010 7:00 AM

I have been told that this development is going to have 1,200 units and more than 3,000 residents. Is this really what is going to be, or is this just hype for detractors? If so, how long in our present economy will such happen: 5 years, 10 years, or 20?

I was also told that “they” will impound the waters that drain into Kelso Lake (via Beaver Creek). What about “first in place and first in right?” Will the impact be good or not so good? With all the scrutiny today, one would believe it so.

Since I am new to the area, I can only base my comment on what I see from all concerned. It would seem that once the reservoir needs are reached, then hydrostatic equilibrium would be the end result: thus, no long-term shortfall(s).

I see the project is expected to have a stabilizing enhancement to the local economy … and long-term benefits as well. Naysayers might say, “Not in my back yard!” But did not they themselves at one time move into someone’s backyard?

The bottom line, in all fairness, is “We don’t want to infringe on anyone’s land rights: greenie, activist or simply just a good neighbor as I purport to be, and I shall remain. May the Almighty attend to the diligent efforts of the principals, and the Angel of Abraham go before them and prepare the way.

