Damming creek is wrong thing to do
November 7, 2010 6:00 AM
I am writing this protest of Stimson Lumber Company’s damming of Beaver Creek. I have had a couple of hundred feet of Kelso Lake for the last four years and have enjoyed fishing and the wildlife of the great outdoors. If they give permission to Stimson Lumber Co. to shut down Beaver Creek, it will lower Kelso Lake and some property owners will be left without a beach.
It will also destroy the spawning bed for the trout in Kelso Lake and the nesting area for the ducks, geese and other waterfowl along Beaver Creek.
In the spring, Beaver Creek’s snow water serves as a flushing water for Kelso Lake, making the lake cleaner.
The people who own land on Beaver Creek also will see a reduction in their land value.