Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Your vote is your only true link to liberty

| October 14, 2010 7:00 AM

Your vote is your only true link to liberty. Without it, you stand to loose everything dear to you. Your very existence would be in jeopardy and compromised by those who are ever ready to seize power and literally rule the masses.

Regimes are built upon complacency of people who are not mindful of the slow and steady government control. Slowly but ever so surely your freedoms were eroded.

For the past decades we have been told the two topics not to expound on in conversations are politics and religion. Yet they are the very topics that we often discussed and prioritized for the very founding of our country. The two topics that can rightfully encourage a country to flourish and prosper or can dismantle a country for sinister purposes. Let’s keep the conversation going.

Your vote, my vote, determines whether we will remain a republic founded on our individual liberty. Our votes are our voices being heard. We can never be to busy or unaware to not vote.

Stay informed because often times those who complain most often seldom or never vote. Stop the whining and vote!

Our country is in bad shape. We need honest people in government now. We need to follow our constitution now. Time is of utmost importance.

Let me ask you — do you know who your local town officials are? Do you know who the state senator and representative are in your district by name? Do you know who the federal senators and representatives going to Washington, D.C., to advance your state causes and defend our national liberties?

Start today to become very familiar with those names because they are the elected people who help govern and speak on your behalf. What are their credentials to be entrusted with such powerful positions? Will they follow our constitution or try to rewrite it? Or just flat ignore it? Now ask yourself — do you care? To quote Benjamin Franklin, “Where liberty dwells, there is my country.”

Vote Nov. 2, 2010

God bless America and God bless our troops,

