Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Asbestos will cause health problems

| April 3, 2011 7:00 AM

I think the commissioners better start planning how to cover all the health issues that will be plaguing county employees in the future due to their forced presence during the debacle of reconstruction going on at the court house these past months. The asbestos issue is a health hazard that has been ongoing and the efforts to contain it are laughable.

After the fact testing is not very smart or effective but how can the workers complain, after all, jobs are not easy to come by in this county, especially jobs with benefits. Of course if they had known ahead of time they would be breathing in the cause of pulmonary fibrosis, cancer of the lung, and mesotheliomas of the pleura and peritoneum they could have at least had that choice. Now the damage is done. Google "The Myths about Asbestos" for some interesting reading. Sorry Bonner County Employees, you may as well smoke, eat and drink while you can.

The commissioners don’t even want to pony up the money to work on containing the asbestos, by all means commissioners let your employees at the courthouse take the brunt, in fact you should charge them more for their insurance since they are foolish enough to continue working in a building that should have been condemned long ago. You were certainly smart enough to run like rabbits the minute you had another place to go and it seems they have not seen hide nor hare (pun intended) of you in the courthouse since.

