Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Let's reframe the conversation on cutbacks

| February 15, 2011 6:00 AM

Many compassionate people are facing a dilemma regarding the proposed Medicaid cutbacks that affect children and adults with disabilities. I have talked with folks who are hesitant to support any increase in taxes, even a small increase that would prevent people with disabilities from losing critical services. I’ve been unsure how to respond to them and address their concerns — until now.

An agency administrator from southern Idaho recently made a presentation to his local Rotary Club. He described the drastic Medicaid cuts that are threatened throughout our state. At the end of his talk he held up two sheets of paper: one was a petition to support a tax increase to fund Medicaid services, and the other was a volunteer sign-up sheet!

He suggested to those who were uncomfortable supporting any tax increase that perhaps they’d consider signing up to be a volunteer with a local agency. I like this idea! Since Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter and various legislators have stated that the social service sector should be staffed by volunteers, let’s see how many people agree and are willing to put their principles — and time — in action.

Our communities have all ready been hurt by cuts to Medicaid-funded services, including the closing of local Health and Welfare offices. As agency administrators, we have seen the impact cuts have had on our employees, their families and the families we serve. We are all struggling to do more with less and can’t keep offering quality services with further reductions in funding. I also believe it’s important that we re-frame the conversation, as the administrator proposed to his Rotary Club, to include choices beyond fund-or-perish.

Further cuts will significantly and negatively impact businesses and families. A small increase in tax rates, specifically targeted to fund these community-based services, will actually stimulate local economic growth. We must tell our legislators that we support a tax increase — if necessary -— to avoid further cuts in Medicaid.

Groups are working to gather thousands of signatures to present to them in Boise so they know how we feel and the wise choices we expect from them. Get this into as many hands as possible to sign the petition and/or forward this e-mail and start recruiting volunteers!

Here is the link to the online petition:


Bonners Ferry