Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Cigarette tax hike could save lives

| February 22, 2011 6:00 AM

I agree with Dr. Heraper’s letter calling for no new taxes, with one exception: the proposed increased tax on cigarettes. Dr. Heraper, if inadvertently, makes a strong case for the tax increase. Quote: “I quit smoking when Mr. Obama put in place an additional 62 cents per pack tax.”

I applaud him for quitting. As a doctor, he knows that has increased his chances for a longer, healthier life, and I sincerely hope he enjoys it to the fullest. Now if our legislators would just see the light and pass the proposed $1.25 per pack tax increase here in Idaho, think how many more people might decide to quit.

And even more importantly, how many young people might choose not to smoke and get addicted in the first place. Too many of our relatives and friends, because of their addiction to cigarettes, get sick and die in what should be the prime times of their lives. The increased tax on cigarettes is one sure way to save some lives and suffering.

