Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Workers don't need another personal day

| March 17, 2011 7:00 AM

Is it just me, or did others find the Feb. 19 Bee article on an extra “personal” day bonus for city employees insulting and brainless?

Marsha Ogilvie claims it’s a “token of gratitude for hard work.” Is she really that out of touch? Sorry, City Council people, hard work is not a 40-hour week, every holiday off, personal days, sick days and paid vacation. Oh, and did I mention full health and retirement benefits — all on the taxpayers’ backs?

We should be slashing our city government, not adding more benefits to their pay. Visit the second floor of City Hall and explain why we need the same mass of building planners, engineers and inspectors (and secretaries() as we did four years ago during the boom? don’t forget this salaried and benefited group is doing presumably 80 percent less work now.

Why do we need troops of police harassing downtown visitors and ignoring legal boundaries (pullovers for mud flap violations — are you joking?)

While on topic, we must bust the teachers union and merit pay those who deliver and fire those who don’t. The U.S. ranks 25th of the developed countries in math and science; not due to a lack of funding education but rather the horrid system delivering it.

Sorry, Marsha. No bonuses in this economy. I am working twice as hard — do government employees work 70 hours a week — for no retirement and half the pay.

