News of Record 4-7-12
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 1
Date: 04/06/12
12-005494 Traffic Hazard
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 200 & Trestle Creek Rd
Hope ID 83836
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : UTL
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 05:15 Time Dispatched: 05:37
Time Arrived : 05:52 Time Completed : 05:57
Report of a traffic hazard in the area of Trestle Creek Road and Highway 200.
12-005495 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Colburn-culver Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Chandler, R
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 07:28 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 07:57
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 07:28 Time Dispatched: 07:34
Time Arrived : 07:49 Time Completed : 07:56
Dispatch Summary: Suspicious circumstances reported in the 100 block of
Colburn-Culver Road.
12-005496 Vandalism
Call Received By:
Incident Address : S Ella Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Bailey R
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP12 Time Reported: 07:59 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 08:07 Time Completed : 08:12
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 2
Date: 04/06/12
Dispatch Summary Statement: Residence in the 500 block was TP'ed.
12-005497 Mental subject
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Railroad Depot Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Dressel R, Bailey R
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP12 Time Reported: 08:25 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 08:39 Time Completed : 08:49
Unit: SP51 Time Reported: 08:25 Time Dispatched: 08:30
Time Arrived : 08:34 Time Completed : 09:15
12-005498 Trespassing
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 200
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Cornelius, J
Disposition : UNF
Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 08:42 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 08:56
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer received a call of trespass in the 31000
block of Highway 200.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 3
Date: 04/06/12
12-005499 Fraud
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Hickory St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Hottman, M
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 09:12 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:21
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005500 Escort
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Olive Ave; Olive Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Bailey R
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP12 Time Reported: 09:13 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 10:32 Time Completed : 10:45
12-005501 Vandalism
Call Received By:
Incident Address : S 1st Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Hottman, M
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 09:19 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:21
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 4
Date: 04/06/12
12-005502 Theft of Property
Call Received By:
Incident Address : S 1st Ave; La Rosa
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giese, C
Disposition : INA
Unit: SP22 Time Reported: 09:30 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 09:30 Time Completed : 09:34
Dispatch Summary Statement:
OVERVIEW: On 04-05-12 Martin Hoffman came into the Police Department to report
12-005503 Citizen Assist
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Eastside Rd;Lobby traffic
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Cotter, J
Disposition : NR
Unit: 37 Time Reported: 09:02 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 09:37 Time Completed : 09:53
Report of a citizen assist in the 75 block of Eastside Road.
12-005504 Traffic Hazard
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Kelso Lake Rd; area of
Athol ID 83801
Responding Officers: Chandler, R
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 09:27 Time Dispatched: 09:52
Time Arrived : 09:52 Time Completed : 09:53
Dispatch Summary: Traffic hazard in the 400 block of Kelso Lake Road.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 5
Date: 04/06/12
12-005505 Fire Structure
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Sunset Hill Rd
Athol ID 83801
Responding Officers: Penn, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 09:48 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 10:55
Unit: SLA Time Reported: 09:48 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:00
Unit: SLFD Time Reported: 09:48 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:00
Report of a structure fire in the 100 block of Sunset hill Road.
12-005506 VIN Inspection
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Koch, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 10:20 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 10:20 Time Completed : 10:36
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer performed a VIN inspection in the 476700
block of Hwy 95.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 6
Date: 04/06/12
12-005507 911 Hangup
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95;
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Koch, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 10:36 Time Dispatched: 10:41
Time Arrived : 10:41 Time Completed : 10:41
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer took a report of a 911 hang up in the 476900
block of Hwy 95.
12-005508 Malicious Injury to Property
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 41
Oldtown ID 83822
Responding Officers: Penn, J
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 11:10 Time Dispatched: 11:14
Time Arrived : 11:20 Time Completed : 11:45
Report of malicious injury to property in the 36000 block of Highway 41.
12-005509 Malicious Injury to Property
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Freeman Ln; Freeman Ln
Hope ID 83836
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 11:13 Time Dispatched: 11:35
Time Arrived : 11:36 Time Completed : 11:26
Report of malicious injury to property in the pre 100 block of Freeman Lane.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 7
Date: 04/06/12
12-005510 Reckless Driving
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Talache Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 11:14 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:20
Report of a reckless drivers in the 1800 block of Talache Road.
12-005511 Citizen Assist
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Echo Lode
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Chandler, R
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 11:25 Time Dispatched: 11:47
Time Arrived : 11:47 Time Completed : 11:48
Dispatch Summary: Citizen's assist in the 200 block of Echo Lodge.
12-005512 Fire Vehicle
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95;
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Koch, B
Disposition : CLO
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 8
Date: 04/06/12
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 11:46 Time Dispatched: 11:49
Time Arrived : 12:02 Time Completed : 12:03
Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 11:46 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:53
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer assisted a motorist with an equipment
malfunction on Hwy 95 at mile marker 478.
12-005513 Citizen Assist
Call Received By:
Incident Address : W Lake St; SPD
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Murphy, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP94 Time Reported: 12:18 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 12:19 Time Completed : 16:57
12-005514 Citizen Assist
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Horvath, C
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 4005 Time Reported: 11:20 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:20
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officers assisted a citizen in the 800 block of
Kootenai Cutoff.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 9
Date: 04/06/12
12-005515 Non Injury Accident
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd;
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Koch, B
Disposition : INA
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 12:37 Time Dispatched: 12:38
Time Arrived : 12:42 Time Completed : 13:11
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer took a report property damage collision in
the 800 block of Kootenai Cutoff.
12-005516 Battery
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Freeman Lake Rd
Oldtown ID 83822
Responding Officers: Penn, J
Disposition : 2
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 12:36 Time Dispatched: 12:46
Time Arrived : 13:01 Time Completed : 14:48
Report of a battery in the 4000 block of Freeman Lake Road.
12-005517 Business/Residential Alarm
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Spring St
Hope ID 83836
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Chandler, R
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 13:00 Time Dispatched: 13:13
Time Arrived : 13:30 Time Completed : 13:36
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 13:00 Time Dispatched: 13:03
Time Arrived : 13:30 Time Completed : 13:36
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 10
Date: 04/06/12
Report of a residential alarm in the 600 block of Spring Street.
12-005518 Reckless Driving
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Talache Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, BCSO
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 13:16 Time Dispatched: 13:38
Time Arrived : 13:38 Time Completed : 13:38
Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 13:16 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:41
Report of reckless drivers on Talache Road.
12-005519 Trespassing
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Schweitzer Mountain Rd; Schweitzer
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 13:14 Time Dispatched: 13:47
Time Arrived : 13:47 Time Completed : 13:48
Report of trespassing in the 10000 block of Schweitzer Mountain Road.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 11
Date: 04/06/12
12-005520 Malicious Injury to Property
Call Received By:
Incident Address : River Rock Rd & S Division Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Bailey R
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP12 Time Reported: 13:51 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:22
12-005521 VIN Inspection
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Mirror Lake Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: BCSO
Disposition : ACT
Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:14
Request for a VIN inspection in the 400 block of Mirror Lake Road.
12-005522 Previous Incident Follow Up
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave; Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: FG
Disposition : ACT
Unit: FG Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:11
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 12
Date: 04/06/12
12-005523 Disorderly Conduct
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Oak St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giese, C, Bailey R
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP12 Time Reported: 14:19 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:12
Unit: SP22 Time Reported: 14:19 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:12
12-005524 Extra Patrol Requests/E-mail
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Boise St;
Kootenai ID 83840
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 14:24 Time Dispatched: 14:34
Time Arrived : 14:34 Time Completed : 14:34
Request for continued extra patrol in the 200 block of Boise Street.
12-005525 911 Hangup
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Brittany Loop; BLK
Kootenai ID 83840
Responding Officers: Chandler, R
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 14:57 Time Dispatched: 15:28
Time Arrived : 15:38 Time Completed : 15:40
Dispatch Summary: 911 call from the 200 block of Brittany Loop.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 13
Date: 04/06/12
12-005527 Reckless Driving
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave & Schweitzer Cutoff Rd; Boye
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Smith, S, Jones, J, Giffin, D, Ch
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 16:01 Time Dispatched: 17:44
Time Arrived : 17:46 Time Completed : 18:16
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 16:01 Time Dispatched: 16:05
Time Arrived : 16:14 Time Completed : 19:22
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 16:01 Time Dispatched: 17:44
Time Arrived : 17:45 Time Completed : 19:30
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005528 Traffic Hazard
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 200 & Sunnyside Cutoff; Sunnysid
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Chandler, R
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 16:24 Time Dispatched: 16:26
Time Arrived : 16:33 Time Completed : 16:34
Dispatch Summary: Traffic hazard reported in the 36000 block of HWY 200.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 14
Date: 04/06/12
12-005529 Citizen Assist
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 200
Hope ID 83836
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : UNF
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 15:50 Time Dispatched: 16:41
Time Arrived : 16:41 Time Completed : 16:41
Report of a citizen assist in the 47300 block of Highway 200.
12-005530 Custodial Interference
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Eastside Rd;
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Penn, J
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 14:57 Time Dispatched: 16:46
Time Arrived : 16:46 Time Completed : 16:46
Report of custodial interference in the 70 block of Eastside Road.
12-005531 Attempted Suicide
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Colburn-culver Rd; Colburn-culver R
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiedebush, J, Wiedebush, J, Riffel, T
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 125 Time Reported: 16:37 Time Dispatched: 17:43
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:00
Unit: 289 Time Reported: 16:37 Time Dispatched: 17:40
Time Arrived : 17:43 Time Completed : 17:58
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 15
Date: 04/06/12
Unit: 334 Time Reported: 16:37 Time Dispatched: 16:52
Time Arrived : 17:19 Time Completed : 18:33
Dispatch Summary: A welfare check was requested in the 5400 block of
Colburn-Culver Road.
12-005532 Accident, Unknown Injury
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Hope St & Highway 200
Kootenai ID 83840
Responding Officers: Walker, A, Riffel, T, Penn, J, Osborn, D, Hut
Disposition : 2
Unit: 125 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 18:12 Time Completed : 20:22
Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:24
Time Arrived : 17:25 Time Completed : 17:48
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:26
Time Arrived : 17:38 Time Completed : 22:38
Unit: 310 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 18:54 Time Completed : 19:35
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:21
Time Arrived : 17:24 Time Completed : 20:53
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:20
Time Arrived : 17:21 Time Completed :
Unit: 3501 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:20
Time Arrived : 17:25 Time Completed : 17:30
Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:21
Time Arrived : 17:26 Time Completed : 18:05
Unit: 3593 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:22
Time Arrived : 17:26 Time Completed : 17:43
Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:04
Unit: BCEM2 Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:33
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 16
Date: 04/06/12
Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 17:18 Time Dispatched: 17:21
Time Arrived : 17:24 Time Completed : 17:48
Chad T. Gatlin (39) of Kootenai was arrested for Felony hit and run and 2nd
offense DUI pursuant to a motor vehicle collision on Highway 200 in Kootenai
12-005533 911 Hangup
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Manley Creek Rd
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Reynolds, T
Disposition : NR
Unit: 271 Time Reported: 17:20 Time Dispatched: 18:55
Time Arrived : 18:56 Time Completed : 17:56
Report of a 911 hangup in Laclede.
12-005534 Information
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Helen Thompson Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, Deem, S
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 271 Time Reported: 17:52 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:28
Unit: 310 Time Reported: 17:52 Time Dispatched: 18:27
Time Arrived : 18:27 Time Completed : 18:27
Report of information 2300 Block of Helen Thompson Road.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 17
Date: 04/06/12
12-005535 Burglary
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Koch, B
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 18:13 Time Dispatched: 18:17
Time Arrived : 18:21 Time Completed : 19:10
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 18:13 Time Dispatched: 18:16
Time Arrived : 18:18 Time Completed : 19:40
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005536 Burglary
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Koch, B
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 18:13 Time Dispatched: 18:17
Time Arrived : 18:21 Time Completed : 19:10
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 18:13 Time Dispatched: 18:16
Time Arrived : 18:18 Time Completed : 19:40
12-005537 Missing Person
Call Received By
Incident Address : Dufort Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Deem, S
Disposition : NR
Unit: 310 Time Reported: 18:25 Time Dispatched: 18:36
Time Arrived : 18:36 Time Completed : 18:36
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 18
Date: 04/06/12
Report of a missing person in the 3600 block of Dufort Road.
12-005538 Non Injury Accident
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Wiedebush, J, Victorino, M
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 289 Time Reported: 19:21 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:24
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 19:21 Time Dispatched: 19:23
Time Arrived : 19:25 Time Completed : 19:35
12-005539 Information
Call Received By:
Incident Address : W Lake St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Jones, J, Giffin, D
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 16:30 Time Dispatched: 19:26
Time Arrived : 19:26 Time Completed : 19:27
Dispatch Summary Statement:
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 19
Date: 04/06/12
12-005540 Non Injury Accident
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Wiedebush, J, Victorino, M
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 289 Time Reported: 19:21 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:24
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 19:21 Time Dispatched: 19:23
Time Arrived : 19:25 Time Completed : 19:35
Report of a non-injury crash in the 477000 block of Highway 95.
12-005541 Information
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Lincoln Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Jones, J, Giffin, D
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 17:37 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:28
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005542 911 Hangup
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Ella Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Smith, S, Chamberlain, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 19:18 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 19:40 Time Completed : 19:45
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 20
Date: 04/06/12
12-005543 Disturbing the Peace
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Ediah Rd
Spirit Lake ID 83869
Responding Officers: Reynolds, T
Disposition : NR
Unit: 271 Time Reported: 20:29 Time Dispatched: 20:35
Time Arrived : 21:07 Time Completed : 21:08
Report of a noise complaint on Ediah Road.
12-005544 Assist Other Agency
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Chestnut St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Jones, J, Giffin, D
Disposition :
Unit: 1121 Time Reported: 20:04 Time Dispatched: 20:08
Time Arrived : 20:11 Time Completed : 20:35
Unit: SFD Time Reported: 20:04 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:35
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 20:04 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:13
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 20:04 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 20:11 Time Completed : 20:13
Dispatch Summary Statement:
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 21
Date: 04/06/12
12-005545 Dog Complaint
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Washington Ave; Washington Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Valenzuela, M, Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 17:46 Time Dispatched: 21:02
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:03
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005546 Information
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N 3rd Ave;
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: SP16
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 21:16 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:19 Time Completed : 21:29
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005547 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Call Received By:
Incident Address : S Florence Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Smith, S, Jones, J, Giffin, D, Chamberlain, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 21:34 Time Dispatched: 21:40
Time Arrived : 21:42 Time Completed : 22:20
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 21:34 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:44 Time Completed : 22:20
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 22
Date: 04/06/12
12-005548 Weapon Offense
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 2
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, McLain, D, Deem, S
Disposition : AST
Unit: 271 Time Reported: 21:50 Time Dispatched: 21:53
Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:14
Unit: 310 Time Reported: 21:50 Time Dispatched: 21:53
Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:18
Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 21:50 Time Dispatched: 21:53
Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:17
Deputies assisted Priest River Police with a weapons offense in the 6000 block
of Highway 2.
12-005549 Weapon Offense
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 2
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, McLain, D, Deem, S
Disposition :
Unit: 271 Time Reported: 21:50 Time Dispatched: 21:53
Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:14
Unit: 310 Time Reported: 21:50 Time Dispatched: 21:53
Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:18
Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 21:50 Time Dispatched: 21:53
Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:17
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 23
Date: 04/06/12
12-005550 Malicious Injury to Property
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Pine St & N Boyer Ave; Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Valenzuela, M, Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 22:01 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 22:02 Time Completed : 22:12
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005551 Citizen Assist
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Keyser Ln; Keyser Ln
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Reynolds, T
Disposition : NR
Unit: 271 Time Reported: 21:25 Time Dispatched: 22:18
Time Arrived : 22:18 Time Completed : 22:19
Report of a citizen assist in the Priest River area.
12-005552 Threatening
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Bodie Canyon Rd
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Deem, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 310 Time Reported: 21:53 Time Dispatched: 23:14
Time Arrived : 23:22 Time Completed : 23:30
There was a report of threats on North Bodie Canyon Road in Priest River.
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 24
Date: 04/06/12
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 25
Date: 04/07/12
12-005553 Controlled Substance
Call Received By:
Incident Address Pine St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Valenzuela, M, Smith, S, Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 00:26 Time Dispatched: 00:28
Time Arrived : 00:30 Time Completed : 01:32
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 00:26 Time Dispatched: 00:27
Time Arrived : 00:30 Time Completed : 00:34
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 00:26 Time Dispatched: 00:29
Time Arrived : 00:30 Time Completed : 01:41
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 00:26 Time Dispatched: 00:27
Time Arrived : 00:30 Time Completed : 01:54
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005554 Traffic Violation
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95;
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Walker, A, Victorino, M, Smith, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 125 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 03:07
Unit: 1402 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:49 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1421 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:43
Time Arrived : 01:46 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1425 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:47
Time Arrived : 01:57 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:43
Time Arrived : 01:46 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:40 Time Completed : 01:51
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 26
Date: 04/07/12
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 02:24
Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:40
Time Arrived : 01:44 Time Completed : 02:40
Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:51
Time Arrived : 02:17 Time Completed : 03:58
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 08:45
Time Arrived : 01:39 Time Completed : 09:24
Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:37 Time Completed : 02:16
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:03 Time Completed : 02:37
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 02:21
12-005555 Traffic Violation
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Walker, A, Victorino, M, Smith, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 125 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 03:07
Unit: 1402 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:49 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1421 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:43
Time Arrived : 01:46 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1425 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:47
Time Arrived : 01:57 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:43
Time Arrived : 01:46 Time Completed : 02:28
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 27
Date: 04/07/12
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:40 Time Completed : 01:51
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 02:24
Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:40
Time Arrived : 01:44 Time Completed : 02:40
Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:51
Time Arrived : 02:17 Time Completed : 03:58
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 08:45
Time Arrived : 01:39 Time Completed : 09:24
Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:37 Time Completed : 02:16
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:03 Time Completed : 02:37
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 02:21
Report of a traffic accident in the 476000 block of US Highway 95.
12-005556 Traffic Violation
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Walker, A, Victorino, M, Smith, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 125 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 03:07
Unit: 1402 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:49 Time Completed : 02:28
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 28
Date: 04/07/12
Unit: 1421 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:43
Time Arrived : 01:46 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1425 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:47
Time Arrived : 01:57 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:43
Time Arrived : 01:46 Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:40 Time Completed : 01:51
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 02:24
Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:40
Time Arrived : 01:44 Time Completed : 02:40
Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 01:51
Time Arrived : 02:17 Time Completed : 03:58
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched: 08:45
Time Arrived : 01:39 Time Completed : 09:24
Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:28
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:37 Time Completed : 02:16
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:03 Time Completed : 02:37
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 01:35 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 01:41 Time Completed : 02:21
12-005557 911 Hangup
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Main St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Walker, A, Osborn, D, Hutchison,
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched: 02:20
Time Arrived : 02:20 Time Completed : 02:20
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 29
Date: 04/07/12
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:25
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched: 02:55
Time Arrived : 02:57 Time Completed : 04:26
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:55 Time Completed : 04:26
Report of a 911 hang up on Gold Hill Circle.
12-005558 Assist Other Agency
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 02:20 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:21 Time Completed : 02:21
12-005559 Disorderly Conduct
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N 2nd Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Smith, S, Chamberlain, S
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 02:20 Time Dispatched: 02:21
Time Arrived : 02:22 Time Completed : 02:39
Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 02:20 Time Dispatched: 02:21
Time Arrived : 02:24 Time Completed : 02:41
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 30
Date: 04/07/12
12-005560 DUI, Alcohol or Drugs
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave & Poplar St; Poplar St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Valenzuela, M, Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 02:08 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:35 Time Completed : 02:35
Dispatch Summary Statement:
*****************DELETE ME**************
12-005561 DUI, Alcohol or Drugs
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Poplar St & N Boyer Ave; Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Valenzuela, M, Inman, J, Heberer, T
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 02:35 Time Dispatched: 02:50
Time Arrived : 02:37 Time Completed : 02:54
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 02:35 Time Dispatched: 02:50
Time Arrived : 02:35 Time Completed : 03:18
Dispatch Summary Statement:
12-005562 Domestic Dispute
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Main St;
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Walker, A, Osborn, D, Hutchison,
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched: 02:20
Time Arrived : 02:20 Time Completed : 02:20
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 31
Date: 04/07/12
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 02:25
Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched: 02:55
Time Arrived : 02:57 Time Completed : 04:26
Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 01:47 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:55 Time Completed : 04:26
12-005563 Fire Structure
Call Received By:
Incident Address : N Terrace Dr
Cocolalla ID 83813
Responding Officers: Osborn, D
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 1122 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 04:02
Time Arrived : 04:20 Time Completed : 06:29
Unit: 1161 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 04:35
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 06:28
Unit: 1201 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 04:06
Time Arrived : 04:29 Time Completed : 06:30
Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 04:01
Time Arrived : 04:10 Time Completed : 06:30
Unit: 1223 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 04:11
Time Arrived : 05:56 Time Completed : 06:30
Unit: 1251 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 06:54 Time Completed : 11:02
Unit: 1281 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 04:12
Time Arrived : 04:21 Time Completed : 06:30
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 03:57
Time Arrived : 04:20 Time Completed : 04:36
Unit: SFD Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 06:46
Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 03:55 Time Dispatched: 03:57
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 06:30
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 32
Date: 04/07/12
Deputies responded with Sagle Fire to a structure Fire in the Cocolalla area.
12-005564 Attempted Suicide
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd; Kootenai
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Walker, A, Collins, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched: 04:15
Time Arrived : 04:19 Time Completed : 05:09
Unit: 3580 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched: 04:24
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 04:25
Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched: 04:50
Time Arrived : 04:52 Time Completed : 08:46
Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 04:26
Deputies responded to a report of a suicidal woman in Ponderay
12-005565 Attempted Suicide
Call Received By:
Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd; Kootenai
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Walker, A, Collins, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 324 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched: 04:15
Time Arrived : 04:19 Time Completed : 05:09
Unit: 3580 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched: 04:24
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 04:25
Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched: 04:50
Time Arrived : 04:52 Time Completed : 08:46
04/07/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 635
11:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 33
Date: 04/07/12
Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 04:10 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 04:26
Report Includes:
All reported dates between `05:00:00 04/06/12` and `05:00:00 04/07/12`
All natures
All responsible officers
All received by officers
All dispositions
All locations
All cities
All agencies
All responding officers
*** End of Report /tmp/rpt_Nab7a-rplwdal.r1_1 ***