Wednesday, December 18, 2024

All religions were not created equal

| April 19, 2012 7:00 AM

In the tolerant society of today, the idea that one religion is as good as another and that all religions should receive the same consideration is pure malarkey.

To those who are interested in world peace, I would like to point out that there has been no one else on earth who can compare with the gentile Christ. He raised the dead and healed the sick. He made the lame walk, the deaf hear and the blind see.

Christ said to forgive and pray for your enemies. He said to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He wants us to be slower to anger and quick to forgive. It is little wonder that Christ has been called the prince of peace. If all people would obey His instructions, there would be peace on earth immediately.

The Bible says in many places that those who reject Christ are also rejecting God. “Whoever rejects the son, rejects the Father.” The Bible also says in Proverbs 29:18: “A nation without God is a nation without order.” Therefore those nations that consider it a criminal offense to convert them to Christianity are nations without order. Keep on watching the world news on TV and you will see the truth of these words.


Clark Fork