Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Rare candor shows Obama's true colors

| August 21, 2012 7:00 AM

In rare moments of candor, off the teleprompter, Obama gives us a look at the “real man.”

Obama has little positive to brag about so his campaign hinges on keeping negative attention on his opponent, Romney, and particularly away from the miserable state of the economy, the job situation, and their continuous stagnation, and decline under his administration.

His rare moments of candor on free enterprise, on those who “ cling to their guns and religion”, on the need to “spread the wealth around”, and his “you didn’t build that” statement are so revealing. Then there is also his disrespectful “crotch salute” to our flag during the national anthem.

Obama’s words and actions go beyond politics and complaints that he is too big-government oriented or has mishandled the economy. They raise the far more potent issue of national identity and show that Obama is actively hostile to American Ideals and Aspirations.

In addition to Obama’s “you didn’t build that” statement he also put down those who think they are smarter or work harder than others. Obama is the first president to demean the bedrock of American beliefs in industriousness and exceptionalism.

Hard to believe? Not really! Just look at Obama’s formative years and associations. A communist for a family advisor, domestic terrorists for supporters, an America-hating racist as spiritual advisor for years, radical associations he belonged to and meetings he attended, and a doctrinaire Marxist himself.

The “leopard hasn’t changed his spots.” Obama is bent on dismantling our successful capitalist system, destroying the middle class and turning America into a European socialist-type country. A president who hates America! Get rid of him in November!

