Wednesday, December 18, 2024

News of Record 11-15-12

| December 11, 2012 8:00 PM

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 1

Date: 11/14/12


12-022343 Non Injury Accident

Incident Address : Highway 95

Cocolalla ID 83813

Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 05:45 Time Dispatched: 05:58

Time Arrived : 06:07 Time Completed : 06:12

Unit: 278 Time Reported: 05:45 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 06:55 Time Completed : 07:00

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 05:45 Time Dispatched: 06:11

Time Arrived : 06:11 Time Completed : 07:02

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 05:45 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 06:12



Report of a traffic accident in the 462000 block of US Highway 95.


12-022344 Runaway Juvenile

Incident Address : N Division Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 06:18 Time Dispatched: 06:21

Time Arrived : 06:24 Time Completed : 06:38


Dispatch Summary Statement: A juvenile, reported as a runaway in the 400 block,

was located at school.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 2

Date: 11/14/12


12-022345 Unattended Death

Incident Address : S 3rd Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Ryan, E, Dressel R

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1131 Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched: 06:39

Time Arrived : 06:42 Time Completed : 06:53

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 06:45 Time Completed : 06:58

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 06:58

Unit: SFD Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 06:53

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched: 06:38

Time Arrived : 06:41 Time Completed : 08:06

Unit: SP51 Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 07:21 Time Completed : 08:08

Unit: SP52 Time Reported: 06:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 07:23 Time Completed : 08:08


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officers investigated an unattended death in the 500



12-022346 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest

Incident Address : Highway 200

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : 2

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 09:29 Time Dispatched: 09:47

Time Arrived : 09:43 Time Completed : 10:40



Jeremy J Thomas (41 YOM) of Sandpoint was arrested on an outstanding misdemeanor

warrant in the 35000 block of Highway 200.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 3

Date: 11/14/12



12-022347 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address : 5th Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S

Disposition : UNF

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 10:20 Time Dispatched: 10:23

Time Arrived : 10:27 Time Completed : 10:30


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer contacted a suspicious male in the 700

block. He was testing groundwater.


12-022348 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : Samuelson Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 10:11 Time Dispatched: 10:30

Time Arrived : 10:34 Time Completed : 10:34


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer answered a citizen's questions in the

4100 block.


12-022349 Fraud

Incident Address : Larkspur St

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 10:35 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:08

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 4

Date: 11/14/12



Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officers investigated a fraud 500 block of



12-022350 Attempted Burglary

Incident Address : Selle Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 278 Time Reported: 10:11 Time Dispatched: 11:06

Time Arrived : 11:06 Time Completed : 11:06


12-022351 Theft of Property

Incident Address : Blue Sky Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 10:53 Time Dispatched: 11:08

Time Arrived : 11:46 Time Completed : 11:46



Report of a theft on Blue Sky Road in Sagle.



12-022352 Animal Problem

Incident Address :

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Bulling, C

Disposition : ACT

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 5

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: Time Reported: 11:14 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed :



Dispatch Summary:

Offense:Dog at Large 5-1A-2


12-022353 Traffic Hazard

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ

Disposition : UTL

Unit: 278 Time Reported: 11:47 Time Dispatched: 11:50

Time Arrived : 12:08 Time Completed : 12:08



Report of a traffic hazard in the 471000 block of Highway 95.



12-022354 Welfare Check

Incident Address : Selkirk Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 11:48 Time Dispatched: 11:53

Time Arrived : 12:11 Time Completed : 12:23



Report of a welfare check in the 2000 block of Selkirk Road.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 6

Date: 11/14/12


12-022355 Civil Dispute

Incident Address : Sleepy Hollow

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 11:46 Time Dispatched: 11:50

Time Arrived : 12:00 Time Completed : 12:07


12-022356 Animal Problem

Incident Address : Van Horn Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 12:10 Time Dispatched: 12:23

Time Arrived : 12:24 Time Completed : 12:24



Report of an animal problem on Van Horn Avenue.


12-022357 Vehicle Theft

Incident Address : Helena St

Kootenai ID 83840

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 12:30 Time Dispatched: 12:38

Time Arrived : 12:44 Time Completed : 12:45

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 12:30 Time Dispatched: 12:31

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:37



Report of a theft in the 300 block of Helena Street in Kootenai.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 7

Date: 11/14/12



12-022358 Unconscious person

Incident Address : Thunder Alley

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1401 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched: 12:31

Time Arrived : 12:57 Time Completed : 13:12

Unit: 1402 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched: 12:27

Time Arrived : 12:48 Time Completed : 13:12

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched: 12:36

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:38

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched: 12:37

Time Arrived : 12:55 Time Completed : 12:57

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched: 12:27

Time Arrived : 12:55 Time Completed : 14:10

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:10

Unit: LF79 Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:02

Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 12:24 Time Dispatched: 12:26

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:12



Report of a medical call on Thunder Alley.


12-022360 Welfare Check

Incident Address : Forest Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Heberer, T

Disposition : ACT

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 8

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 12:19 Time Dispatched: 12:55

Time Arrived : 12:56 Time Completed : 13:16

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 12:19 Time Dispatched: 12:43

Time Arrived : 12:43 Time Completed : 13:17


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officers checked the welfare of a female in the 200



12-022361 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : Pine St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Heberer, T

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 12:56 Time Dispatched: 13:17

Time Arrived : 13:29 Time Completed : 13:21


Dispatch Summary Statement: Information was relayed to LE regarding the location

of a subject with a warrant.


12-022362 Previous Incident Follow Up

Incident Address : N Division Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Heberer, T

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 13:13 Time Dispatched: 13:18

Time Arrived : 13:20 Time Completed : 13:27

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 13:13 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:21 Time Completed : 13:28


Dispatch Summary Statement: Refer to case #12-022344.

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 9

Date: 11/14/12



12-022363 Animal Problem

Incident Address : E Beardmore Ave

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Eylar, N

Disposition : CLO

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 13:36 Time Dispatched: 14:00

Time Arrived : 14:01 Time Completed : 14:14


Dispatch Summary:

Offense: Animal Problem


12-022364 Assist Other Agency

Incident Address : Highway 200

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Hottman, M, Flynn, A, Cornelius, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:11

Time Arrived : 13:54 Time Completed : 14:39

Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:42

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:12

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:56

Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:10



Request to assist on a warrant service in Ponderay.



11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 10

Date: 11/14/12


12-022365 Felony Warrant Arrest

Incident Address : Highway 200

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Hottman, M, Flynn, A, Cornelius, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:11

Time Arrived : 13:54 Time Completed : 14:39

Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:42

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:12

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:56

Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:10


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer arrested Valerie Guida (34 YOA) on

a warrant in the 31000 block of Highway 200.


12-022366 Assist Other Agency

Incident Address : Highway 200

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Hottman, M, Flynn, A, Cornelius, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:11

Time Arrived : 13:54 Time Completed : 14:39

Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:42

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:12

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:56

Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 14:10


Dispatch Summary Statement: A Sandpoint officer assisted Ponderay Police and the

county on an arrest.

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 11

Date: 11/14/12



12-022367 Non Injury Accident

Incident Address : N Division Ave & Oak St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Heberer, T

Disposition : NR

Unit: 1131 Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched: 14:18

Time Arrived : 14:13 Time Completed : 14:14

Unit: 3580 Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched: 14:17

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:23

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:23

Unit: SFD Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched: 14:11

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:14

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched: 14:20

Time Arrived : 14:21 Time Completed : 14:29

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched: 14:09

Time Arrived : 14:11 Time Completed : 14:33


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer facilitated the exchange of information

between the drivers of a minor collision.


12-022368 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : W Lincoln Ave

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Eylar, N

Disposition : CLO

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:14

Time Arrived : 14:14 Time Completed : 14:15


Dispatch Summary:

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 12

Date: 11/14/12


Offense: Citizen Assist


12-022369 Municipal Code Violation

Incident Address : E Jefferson Ave

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Eylar, N

Disposition : CLO

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 13:57 Time Dispatched: 16:50

Time Arrived : 17:24 Time Completed : 15:55


Dispatch Summary:

Offense: Maximum number of dwellings on a residential; City Code 3.2.5 under

ordinance 279


12-022370 Littering

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:14 Time Dispatched: 14:17

Time Arrived : 14:20 Time Completed : 14:23



Report of a littering in the 468000 block of US Highway 95.


12-022371 Traffic Hazard

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Lehman, L, ISP

Disposition : ACT

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 13

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: 525 Time Reported: 14:15 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:21

Unit: ISP Time Reported: 14:15 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 16:04


12-022372 Non Injury Accident

Incident Address : Sagle Rd & Baylen View Dr

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : ACT

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 14:24 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 14:26 Time Completed : 14:26


12-022373 Attempt to Locate

Incident Address : Halley St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Heberer, T, Giffin, D

Disposition : 2

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 14:33 Time Dispatched: 14:36

Time Arrived : 14:42 Time Completed : 14:53

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 14:33 Time Dispatched: 14:35

Time Arrived : 14:38 Time Completed : 14:54

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 14:33 Time Dispatched: 14:35

Time Arrived : 14:35 Time Completed : 15:21


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officers arrested a 16 YOA Sandpoint male in the 300

block. He was served with a Bonner County warrant and also charged with

possession of paraphernalia. He was cleared NCIC of his runaway status.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 14

Date: 11/14/12


12-022374 Welfare Check

Incident Address : River Rd

Clark Fork ID 83811

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:32 Time Dispatched: 14:43

Time Arrived : 15:24 Time Completed : 15:37

Unit: 3681 Time Reported: 14:32 Time Dispatched: 14:47

Time Arrived : 14:50 Time Completed : 15:10

Unit: CFA Time Reported: 14:32 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:10


324/not complete

Report of a welfare check in the 1000 block of River Road.



12-022375 Abandoned Vehicle

Incident Address : Highway 57

Priest Lake ID 83856

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 14:19 Time Dispatched: 15:03

Time Arrived : 15:03 Time Completed : 15:03



Report of an abandoned vehicle in Priest Lake.



12-022376 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : James Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Lehman, L, Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 15

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:14 Time Dispatched: 15:21

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 15:14 Time Dispatched: 15:40

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41

Unit: 525 Time Reported: 15:14 Time Dispatched: 15:21

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41



Report of a weapons offense on James Road in Sagle.



12-022377 Burglary

Incident Address : James Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Lehman, L, Flynn, A

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:14 Time Dispatched: 15:21

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 15:14 Time Dispatched: 15:40

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41

Unit: 525 Time Reported: 15:14 Time Dispatched: 15:21

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41


12-022378 Vehicle Theft

Incident Address : E Spring St S

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, Deem, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 14:22 Time Dispatched: 15:45

Time Arrived : 15:50 Time Completed : 16:32

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 14:22 Time Dispatched: 15:27

Time Arrived : 15:40 Time Completed : 16:33

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 16

Date: 11/14/12




Report of a stolen vehicle in Oldtown.



12-022379 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : W Lake St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 15:30 Time Dispatched: 15:34

Time Arrived : 15:38 Time Completed : 15:38


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer answered a citizen's questions at the PD.


12-022380 Malicious Injury to Property

Incident Address : Hines Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:09 Time Dispatched: 15:54

Time Arrived : 16:46 Time Completed : 16:46



Report of a property crime on Hines Rd.



11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 17

Date: 11/14/12


12-022381 Bank Robbery Alarm

Incident Address : Highway 2

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Eylar, N

Disposition : ACT

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 15:52 Time Dispatched: 15:55

Time Arrived : 15:57 Time Completed : 15:59


Dispatch Summary:

Offense: Bank Alarm


12-022382 Reckless Driving

Incident Address : Highway 200 & Mcghee Rd

Kootenai ID 83840

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : ACT

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 15:58 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:46


12-022383 Information

Incident Address : N Division Ave & Main St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Heberer, T, Giffin, D

Disposition : 2

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 16:05 Time Dispatched: 16:09

Time Arrived : 16:11 Time Completed : 16:44

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 16:05 Time Dispatched: 16:09

Time Arrived : 16:13 Time Completed : 16:18


Dispatch Summary Statement:

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 18

Date: 11/14/12



12-022384 Fire Structure

Incident Address : 10th St

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Eylar, N

Disposition : AST

Unit: 1901 Time Reported: 16:13 Time Dispatched: 16:20

Time Arrived : 16:24 Time Completed : 17:06

Unit: 1923 Time Reported: 16:13 Time Dispatched: 16:23

Time Arrived : 16:24 Time Completed : 17:06

Unit: 3585 Time Reported: 16:13 Time Dispatched: 16:16

Time Arrived : 16:19 Time Completed : 16:52

Unit: BCEM2 Time Reported: 16:13 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 16:52

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 16:13 Time Dispatched: 16:15

Time Arrived : 16:17 Time Completed : 16:34

Unit: WPFD Time Reported: 16:13 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:06


Dispatch Summary:

Offense: Structure Fire


12-022385 Reckless Driving

Incident Address : N Ella Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: SPD, Giffin, D

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 16:42 Time Dispatched: 16:48

Time Arrived : 16:50 Time Completed : 16:57

Unit: SPD Time Reported: 16:42 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 16:58


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 19

Date: 11/14/12


Dispatch Summary Statement: Complaint of a vehicle speeding by a residence in

the 1000 block multiple times. Late in the evening, contact was made with the

driver's parent, who said he would take care of the problem.


12-022386 Found Property

Incident Address : Rocky Point Rd

Dover ID 83825

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 16:32 Time Dispatched: 16:46

Time Arrived : 17:02 Time Completed : 17:02



Report of found property on Rocky Point Road.



12-022387 Overdose/Poison

Incident Address : Elmira Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 17:49 Time Dispatched: 17:58

Time Arrived : 18:15 Time Completed : 18:34

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 17:49 Time Dispatched: 17:56

Time Arrived : 18:19 Time Completed : 19:55

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 17:49 Time Dispatched: 17:52

Time Arrived : 18:15 Time Completed : 19:16

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 17:49 Time Dispatched: 18:02

Time Arrived : 18:22 Time Completed : 18:54

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 17:49 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:19

Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 17:49 Time Dispatched: 17:53

Time Arrived : 18:06 Time Completed : 19:19

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 20

Date: 11/14/12




Report of an overdose on the 600 block of Elmira Road in Sandpoint.



12-022388 Information

Incident Address : Cedar St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Heberer, T

Disposition : UNF

Unit: SP37 Time Reported: 18:39 Time Dispatched: 18:43

Time Arrived : 18:47 Time Completed : 18:47


Dispatch Summary Statement: Related to case 12-022385.


12-022389 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Victorino, M

Disposition : 2

Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 18:51 Time Dispatched: 18:51

Time Arrived : 18:51 Time Completed : 19:14


Dispatch Summary Statement: Steven J. Clifton (23) of Sandpoint was arrested

on an outstanding Bonner County warrant in the 476500 block of Highway 95.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 21

Date: 11/14/12


12-022390 Previous Incident Follow Up

Incident Address : Alder St & Jefferson Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Aerni, M

Disposition : UTL

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 19:52 Time Dispatched: 19:56

Time Arrived : 20:02 Time Completed : 20:02


Dispatch Summary Statement: Related to case 12-022385.


12-022391 Animal Problem

Incident Address : Birch St & 4th St

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Victorino, M

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 19:54 Time Dispatched: 20:28

Time Arrived : 20:28 Time Completed : 20:28


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer responded to an animal complaint in the

300 block of Cedar Street.


12-022392 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : Jeffrey Dr

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Osborn, D

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 306 Time Reported: 20:46 Time Dispatched: 20:51

Time Arrived : 21:00 Time Completed : 21:00



Deputy made contact with a citizen regarding an open investigation.

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 22

Date: 11/14/12




12-022393 Citizen Assist

Incident Address : Selkirk Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:34

Time Arrived : 20:50 Time Completed : 20:56



Report of a citizen assist in the 1300 block of Selkrik Road.



12-022394 Vehicle Theft

Incident Address : Cedar Ave & 5th St

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Victorino, M

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 20:56 Time Dispatched: 21:17

Time Arrived : 21:17 Time Completed : 21:49


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer responded to a report of a vehilce theft

in the 200 block of 4th Street


12-022395 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address : Pineview Ln

Spirit Lake ID 83869

Responding Officers: Osborn, D, Hughes, A, Harper, K

Disposition : CLO

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 23

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: 306 Time Reported: 21:07 Time Dispatched: 21:57

Time Arrived : 22:05 Time Completed : 22:26

Unit: 356 Time Reported: 21:07 Time Dispatched: 21:12

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:19

Unit: 371 Time Reported: 21:07 Time Dispatched: 22:15

Time Arrived : 22:26 Time Completed : 22:27



Report of suspicious people in the 300 block of Pineview Lane.


12-022396 Domestic Dispute

Incident Address : Gregory St

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Hughes, A, Harper, K, Eylar, N

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 356 Time Reported: 21:17 Time Dispatched: 21:19

Time Arrived : 21:23 Time Completed : 22:14

Unit: 371 Time Reported: 21:17 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 21:24 Time Completed : 22:14

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 21:17 Time Dispatched: 21:19

Time Arrived : 21:21 Time Completed : 22:14


Dispatch Summary:

Offense: Malicious Injury to Property; Idaho Code 18-7001


12-022397 Domestic Dispute

Incident Address : Gregory St

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Hughes, A, Harper, K, Eylar, N

Disposition : AST

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 24

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: 356 Time Reported: 21:17 Time Dispatched: 21:19

Time Arrived : 21:23 Time Completed : 22:14

Unit: 371 Time Reported: 21:17 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 21:24 Time Completed : 22:14

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 21:17 Time Dispatched: 21:19

Time Arrived : 21:21 Time Completed : 22:14



Report of a family offense in the 300 block of Gregory Street.


12-022398 Business/Residential Alarm

Incident Address : Choctaw Ln

Blanchard ID 83804

Responding Officers: Osborn, D, Harper, K

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 306 Time Reported: 21:19 Time Dispatched: 21:21

Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 21:56

Unit: 371 Time Reported: 21:19 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:24



Deputy responded to a residential alarm in the Blanchard area.



12-022399 911 Hangup

Incident Address : Craigs Ct

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Victorino, M, PPD

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 20:50 Time Dispatched: 21:54

Time Arrived : 21:58 Time Completed : 22:15

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 25

Date: 11/14/12


Unit: PPD Time Reported: 20:50 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:51


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer responded to a report of a 911 hang up

in the 100 block of Craigs Court


12-022400 Information

Incident Address : E Spring St S

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Littrell, B

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 20:16 Time Dispatched: 22:16

Time Arrived : 22:16 Time Completed : 22:17



Report of information in the 4000 block of North Boyer Road.



12-022401 Previous Incident Follow Up

Incident Address : Cedar St & N Ella Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Smith, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 21:51 Time Dispatched: 21:55

Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 22:02


Dispatch Summary Statement: Related to case 12-022385.


11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 26

Date: 11/14/12


12-022402 Unsecure Premises

Incident Address : N 2nd Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Aerni, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 21:56 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 21:56 Time Completed : 21:58


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer located an unlocked door in the 200

block; nothing appeared disturbed.


12-022403 Missing Person

Incident Address : Spirit Lake Cutoff

Spirit Lake ID 83869

Responding Officers: Harper, K

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 371 Time Reported: 16:28 Time Dispatched: 22:32

Time Arrived : 22:36 Time Completed : 21:21



Report of a missing person in the 3800 block of Spirit Lake Cutoff.



12-022404 Previous Incident Follow Up

Incident Address : Cedar St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Smith, S, Aerni, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 23:01 Time Dispatched: 23:12

Time Arrived : 23:12 Time Completed : 23:22

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 23:01 Time Dispatched: 23:05

Time Arrived : 23:09 Time Completed : 23:17

11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 27

Date: 11/14/12



Dispatch Summary Statement: Related to case 12-022385.


12-022405 911 Hangup

Incident Address : Providence Lake Loop

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 23:52 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 00:39 Time Completed : 01:05

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 23:52 Time Dispatched: 00:00

Time Arrived : 00:39 Time Completed : 01:05



Report of a 911 hang up in the 700 block of Providence Lake Loop.



11/15/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 764

10:03 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 28

Date: 11/15/12


12-022406 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address : E Shoreline Ln

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Hutchison, C, Harper, K

Disposition : UNF

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 04:42 Time Dispatched: 04:56

Time Arrived : 05:01 Time Completed : 05:15

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 04:42 Time Dispatched: 04:55

Time Arrived : 05:03 Time Completed : 05:12

Unit: 371 Time Reported: 04:42 Time Dispatched: 04:44

Time Arrived : 05:04 Time Completed : 05:15



Report of a visual alarm on a building on Sourdough Lane.




Report Includes:

All reported dates between `05:00:00 11/14/12` and `05:00:00 11/15/12`

All natures

All responsible officers

All received by officers

All dispositions

All locations

All cities

All agencies

All responding officers


*** End of Report /tmp/rptL-apqa-rplwdal.r1_1 ***