Wednesday, December 18, 2024

American dream is fading from culture

| December 23, 2012 6:00 AM

I like to tell my friends from California when they inquire what it’s like living in Idaho versus living in California my answer most always is, “I am a freer man in Idaho.”

My America is changing. No longer do we seek and cherish freedom, look to God and pray to Him, embrace rugged individualism, teach patriotism, charity and service to country.

Our children are told America is the cause of the world’s ills, that somehow we are to blame for attacks on us, that we are an imperialist nation. Ponder this America haters, this great nation has spent more of its treasure, spilled more blood, endured pain and hardship to free more people from brutal dictatorships than any nation in the history of the world. We did not stay and rule over these nations, we did not confiscate the “spoils of war,” instead we assisted in their recovery! This is not the definition of imperialism.

The left side of the political spectrum, along with weak-kneed “conservatives” have been very successful in expanding and promoting government dependency. Close to 50 percent of American households now receive some sort of government assistance. Americans showed us on Nov. 6 that they want more stuff. At the cost of future generations. My unborn grandson, burdened with more than $200,000 in debt so the takers can continue to take. Where is the morality in this?

The endless pitting of Americans against Americans is harmful to our country and only a tool to promote voter base. Most wealthy Americans came by their fortunes through hard work and a willingness to take risks. Most of us are unlikely to embrace the risk part. Please don’t buy into the idea that somehow if a person is wealthy they must have done harm to others. They are not evil because they are “rich” many quietly help thousands with their generosity. I personally refuse to blame my lack of wealth to their success nor do I look to them for my needs.

“Big government” by definition equals less freedom. I chose freedom. I did not put the uniform of the United States Marine Corps to fight for a socialist country.

Finally, the worlds people don’t call it the “French “ dream, “German” dream, or the “Swedish” dream, they come here to pursue the “American” dream. Caution, the “American” dream is fading.

