Wednesday, December 18, 2024

We must once again honor and obey God

| February 7, 2012 8:00 PM

Jan. 22, 2012, marked another year of legalized abortion in America. Nearly 50 million have been killed in the slaughter of the unborn. One local pastor accurately described the ruling of Roe v. Wade on Jan. 23, 1973, as the time “that a millstone was hung around the neck of Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty.”

Our nation and state were founded upon the recognition of God as our creator and law giver. It is from Him that our inalienable rights of life and liberty flow. If any individual or nation lives outside His law or to make it worse, proud of it, they will suffer under His judgment.

We not only need but must return to honoring and obeying God. What’s left of Sodom and Gomorra is only desolation.


Bonners Ferry