Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dictating others' beliefs is simply un-American

| February 14, 2012 6:00 AM

Recently there was a letter published concerning abortion and how the United States is a country that needs to obey their particular version of God. While I’m not interested in opening the can of worms regarding specific gods we should believe in, I do have to address the issue of abortion.

The issue of abortion isn’t about what you or I think, nor should it be. Whether you believe in god or not, whether you agree with who should or should not have an abortion does not enter into the equation. This is a delicate issue that is the business of the person or persons that are involved in the decision making for the future of the child, namely, the mother and her spouse.

I think most people would agree that the world would be a better place if abortions never need exist. However, just because I don’t like something or because it may offend me in some abstract religious sense is no reason- neither morally or legally- for me to foist my personal opinions of abortion on another person or population. Especially when that personal opinion is derived from my own religious convictions.

Remember, we should support policy that results in more personal freedom, not less. Telling someone else what they can and can not do because of a personally-held religious belief is the epitome of what it is to be against individual freedom and is inherently un-American.

