Yes, the inmates have taken over the asylum
Yes, Ms. Finney, the inmates have taken over the D.C. asylum. And Mr. Tanner, yes, “we” have elected to the highest office in the land a cunning African American, if only to show others we are not racists. You both mention God, our current sly president claims that title. He has single-handedly, without three-fourths of our states’ ratification, changed the First Amendment of the bill of Rights.
He has dumped freedom of religion — government is not to interfere in religion or practices – by requiring the Catholic religion via his namesake Patient Medical Unaffordable (sic) Act (“Obamacare”) in hospitals and clinics to perform sterilizations, abortions and prescribing the famous “morning-after” pill. (Plan B or RU 486) and other contraceptives. Big time fines, $10 million per year for Notre Dame has been quoted for non-compliance.
Furthermore, a military Catholic priest wanted to [publicize this breakdown of Catholic doctrine within the military. Obama, as commander in chief, ordered “no.” (Next time, try WikiLeaks, since it’s top secret.) Well so much for freedom of speech, also in the First Amendment.
Since Obama has ignored our Constitution and is changing our Bill of Rights by his own legislation, he has already paved the road toward more Marxism — same as socialism, can have a dictatorship thrown in as part of the package — or Marxism-Leninism (aka communism — Obama tried that with Van Jones, his “green czar.”)
Message to Obama: Pay your three-year-old outstanding $50,000-plus campaign bill in Indiana; was for overtime security.