Sunday, January 05, 2025

Trappers will soon be in evolutionary past

| January 3, 2012 6:00 AM

Trappers don’t care if animals are tortured and maimed and terrorized for who knows how long before they are “mercifully “ bludgeoned or suffocated or shot.

Trappers don’t consider there are seven billion human beings on this planet and that some of us believe setting multiple traps to kill wildlife is ludicrous.

Trappers mutilate and kill indiscriminately, they have no idea what animal will have the misfortune to experience their “craft.”

Trappers disrespect our wishes to protect and preserve our rarest species; their target could be any one of them.

Trappers teach our children and future generations it is acceptable to torture and terrorize animals.

Trappers are selfish; they turn our public lands into killing fields.

Trappers will some day be only a history in our evolutionary past.


Columbia Falls, Mont.