We need to vote out Obama in 2012
Condensed from “It Does Matter.”
When Democratic party President Barack Hussein Obama:
• Chose friends like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who were revolutionary radicals;
• Stood with hands over his groin during the national anthem and Pledge of Allegiance;
• Appointed advisors who were pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to curtail freedom of speech;
• Refused to produce a birth certificate;
• Appointed White House czars that were avowed Marxist/communists;
• Said his intentions were to “fundamentally transform this nation;”
• Appointed science czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers;
• Appointed Cass Sunstein as regulatory czar who believes in “explicit consent,” harvesting human organs without family consent and allowing animals to be represented in court, while banning hunting;
• Valerie Jarrett, an avowed socialist, was selected as Obama’s senior White House advisor;
• Anita Dunn, White House communications director, said Mao Tse Tung was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for inspiration;
• Appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed communist as green energy czar;
• Concerning the Middle East supports the Palestinians over Israel, our long time ally started spending us into a debt we could not pay off;
• Designed plans to take over health care and put it under government control;
• Claimed he was a Christian and tapes were later made public that showed Obama is still a Muslim.
(Everything above has been reported repeatedly in the media and is factually accurate.)
My fellow Americans, be sure to vote far left Democratic Party President and anti-American Marxist Barack Obama out in 2012.
Spirit Lake