Sunday, January 05, 2025

Five Questions

| January 31, 2012 6:00 AM

Five Questions is a chance to highlight community members that are often seen but rarely heard. The feature seeks to bring out the personal side of these individuals with details about their work and home lives.

Municipal officer Scott Murphy can often be seen making the rounds along the downtown parking areas during weekdays. Although many individuals likely keep a close eye on his daily activities to avoid a ticket, they may not know him very well personally.

1: Sandpoint residents most often interact with the municipal officers over parking matters. What are the other responsibilities of your job?

I handle code enforcement and animal control.

2: What aspect of your work do you enjoy the most? The least?

I especially enjoy the outdoors and the contact with the community. The paperwork and sitting at my desk are my least favorite part.

3: What’s the best or most interesting excuse you’ve heard from a person trying to get out of a parking ticket?

“Dude, I work here!”

4: What are your favorite things to do when it’s time to go home and relax?

I coach a Midget B rep hockey team in Spokane. I also enjoy hunting and fishing

5: If you were trapped on an island and had only one recreational item available to you what would it be?

I would pick a bow and arrows.