Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Join the independent conservative party

| July 3, 2012 9:00 PM

The Democrats say we are right wing Republicans;

You’re not one of us.

Idaho Republicans say we are too conservative;

It’s all she wrote, you can’t vote.

Democrats say Republicans are too far right.

Republicans say Democrats are too far left.

Independents say both party’s are too far wrong

For far too long, it’s the same old song.

The tea party says we’re getting together, come, party with us!

We don’t care your ideology, just don’t make it theology.

We’re all Americans, red and yellow, black, & white,

So, there’s no need for us to fight.

No muss, no fuss, just realize that more is less.

Use your vote to make sure you’re heard,

Help cull this political herd.

This November will be one to remember,

The political weather will be hotter than September!

Remember, when all’s said and done, the independents

Always have the controlling say in who gets to “play”,

Come help us swing this election away

From those, who upon the constitution trample.

By November, we’ll be plenty ample.

Wisconsin was just a sample.

Come and turn out to increase your clout.

Americans are coming off the range,

The independent conservative party

Is just beginning to turn hope into change.

