Concern for country is not extremism
I watch, read, and listen to the news and contrary to popular belief, the sky is not falling. But, the clouds are getting low! Like sand through an hourglass, our culture and society has been slipping through the hole of apathy and political correctness.
Anyone showing concern is listed as a right wing radical. What’s bizarre, is you never see or hear people listed as a left wing radicals. Is this an indicator that the reporting media is so left wing that no one on the left appears radical to them? But, someone who believes in the Constitution, and the past historical culture of America, is therefore viewed as radical right. How did the dedication to the principals of individual liberty, personal responsibility, private property rights, free markets, and limited government become extreme or radical? Has so much sand fallen through the hourglass that we have grown to only desire the guidance and protection of the all knowing government?
There was a saying that you weren’t supposed to talk politics or religion, but I believe the time has come when it is an obligation to do so. It’s terrifying to find how many people look favorably at people such as Valdimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong. I’ve been told they were great because they wanted to teach the masses to read. Grab your heart, because it’s the educators saying this! By the way, those low clouds aren’t from global warming.