Conservatives are not obstructionists
Lately, the news has been telling us how the conservatives are obstructionists. But think about it, hasn’t the country been constantly “progressing” left? So who is it that’s really been doing the most compromising? Who is it that has been the least compromising? Please take the time to sit, relax with some cookies, and actually read the Constitution. Consider whether it promotes personal responsibility, a desire to excel, and has inspired some of the world’s greatest accomplishments. Then consider whether government intrusion not only promotes, but financially rewards mediocrity. Is it time to draw a line in the sand that we will not cross? Is it time we really become obstructionists to save the greatest country man has ever produced?
A final point, how many trillions of dollars have we spent to eliminate poverty? Is there any improvement at all? Does the government program promote the problem? The Department of Agriculture was recently pleased to announce they are distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the Park Service, a part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us not to feed the animals, because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to care for themselves.