Luna's plan hurts school, education
Tom Luna and big business technology companies would like you to think your student’s future is at risk. Ask yourself: Why are they trying to secure your vote? Is it because they will get rich from the computers, curriculum, testing and resulting data they are selling?
Each proposition contains a collection of rules: one tempting part, most negative. It’s all or nothing.
Proposition 1 reduces teachers’ voices by eliminating negotiations for class size and safety conditions. Why would we want to silence an important advocate for our children?
Our schools already have 21st century technology, online classes and dual enrollment where students earn college credit. Proposition 3 takes away choice, replacing it with state mandates.
Teachers have been fired and programs cut to subsidize the propositions. The pricetag for the laptops alone is $180 million over the next eight years.
Where will this money come from?
The foundation of American ingenuity has been constructed from our classroom teachers’ love, creativity and devotion.
Vote “no” Proposition 1, 2, and 3!