Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A love letter to the American electorate

| November 22, 2012 8:00 PM

This is a love letter to the American electorate for the results of the election. It was a slap-down of a party whose stated priority was not solving economic problems unparalleled since the 1930s, not addressing reasons for a shrinking middle class, not examining issues of fairness and equality, but to make Barack Obama was a one-term president at any cost. That is shameful behavior by public servants.

This election shows that Americans vote for people who acknowledge the precepts of science and economics: evolution is fact, you can watch it under a microscope; global warming is real, you can see it in weather statistics; women get pregnant from rape; economic trade war with China “on day 1” is not a good idea during a global economic recession; tax cuts to millionaires do not create jobs.

This was a vote to protect the Affordable Health Care Act, to safeguard women’s reproductive rights from possible Supreme Court appointees like Justices Scalia and Thomas, to assure availability of student loans so the best and brightest can control their own destiny, to extend founding principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” to homosexuals, and to continue a foreign policy of international cooperation when it is in our self-interest.

Apparently the American voter is finally tired of silly distractions and has decided that Obama was born in the U.S., he isn’t a radical Muslim, no one is trying to take away your guns, and the attack on the American embassy at Benghazi was not an American government conspiracy.

