Mission accomplished for Barack Obama?
The self-proclaimed “eye candy” president has successfully nailed that evil Christian film-maker and imprisoned him — well before taking out those responsible for the deaths of our ambassador, SEALs and communications expert. Mission accomplished!
It’s cherry-picking of the First Amendment when it’s acceptable to occupy parks indefinitely and defecate on police cars, while arresting film-makers (even for tripe films). Meanwhile Hollywood remains entirely mum.
On NYC subways, an Egyptian journalist spraypaints this sign, which she finds “offensive:” “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad.” This was ruled by a New York judge as decent speech to post, but some Muslims and the ACLU call it “hate speech.” What is hateful? Supporting Israel? Defeating “man-caused disasters?”
And the Fort Hood massacre was referred to as “work place violence” instead of terrorism. Wonder what our Founders would think of this drivel.