Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Obama will lead us blindly off a cliff

| September 27, 2012 7:00 AM

The media focuses on an anti-Islam video as the “reason” for the attacks against American embassies in the Middle East. A few years ago a cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban set off riots and death threats. Salman Rushdie wrote a book about Islam, and he and his family had to go into hiding to keep from being murdered by Muslims. More Muslims have died at the hands of other Muslims than from any other peoples — and yet, Barack Obama continues to speak of Islam as “a religion of peace,” and apologizes to them for America. How quickly people forget the massacre of Marines in Beirut, the attack on the Cole, the killings at Fort Hood, two separate attacks on the WTO, and the attack on the Pentagon.

A statue of Jesus in a bottle of urine was called art, and placed in a museum. Did you see any Christians rioting, looting, setting cars on fire or sending death threats to the so-called “artist?”

And yet we keep hearing Islam is a religion of peace. Mohammed said, in the Quran, that the infidel should be converted, and if they refused to convert, they should be killed. They call Israel the little Satan, and America the big Satan.

Our military are shot in the back by Afghanis who are supposed to be their partners, our embassies attacked, yet our president continues to vacillate, to talk. And it looks like most of America is blindly following him off the cliff … shameful.

