Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Romney has the skills to fix U.S. economy

| September 30, 2012 7:00 AM

I think everyone can agree our government is very large, complex, and complicated. So when we look at the two candidates we have now to run this huge organization, what do we really know?

Four years ago, the country was headed for financial ruin.

We elected someone who was charismatic, with lofty promises but no experience to back it up.

Four years later, the financial crisis is even worse, even if the media doesn’t want to talk about it. While printing even more money, we are headed for a most definite financial ruin, and if this happens, it would be the end of our lifestyles, and maybe the end of our country as well.

Today, we have an alternative. Mitt Romney has a vast and varied background of making difficult decisions based on the facts and fiscal realities, who has a comprehensive understanding of budgetary and debt problems and their limitations, who can look at all the data, identify the problem, and come up with possible solutions, and he knows how to work with others to do that.

In the end, isn’t it our national financial health that provides the basis for our quality of life?

And isn’t it our national financial health that provides the national security that keeps us safe?

If our financial house is not put in order, there won’t be either. Vote on Nov. 6 for the person most capable of doing just that.

I think it has to be Mitt Romney.

