Wednesday, December 18, 2024

There's a reason for GOP intransigence

| August 1, 2013 7:00 AM

I’d like to make a comment on Mr. Wright’s letter to the editor (July 25, Daily Bee).

With all due respect, there is a reason for the Republican intransigence (good word, I had to look it up).

If someone suggests we jump off a cliff, it’s not a good idea to compromise and jump with the intent of only going halfway.

Our intransigence is not based on a party line, or a dislike for a president (President Bush also has blame). In fact, it’s mostly the fault of both parties serving in our state and federal legislatures. We have, in my opinion, a justifiable fear the country will end up like Detroit, or worse. Could we be wrong? Yes, but we believe it’s a far too big a chance to take. We simply can’t justify today’s benefits at the expense of future generations. By the way, isn’t it funny how it’s always the other guy’s fault for not compromising?

Now, a comment to everybody reading this. Go outside and look around. Most of the people past and present, have never seen such beauty. The Irish may be known for luck, but they have nothing on North Idaho residents. Northern Idaho is incredible! See, there are things we all can agree on.

