Lake kayaking class offered
SANDPOINT — Want to learn a little more about kayaking?
A second introduction to lake kayaking skills class is designed for students 16-years-old and up who know how to paddle but want to refine their skills.
Control and grace while kayaking equal energy saved; that’s what this class is all about.
Instructor Jason Wiley will briefly discuss what was covered in the first session, then participants will learn more advanced techniques such as: recovery techniques, balance and bracing, paddle stroke refinement, paddle smarter not harderand and much more.
Participants will need to bring a paddle skirt, pump, paddle float and their own boat, or rent one. Boats should have a least one sealed compartment, and preferably two.
The class fee is is $22 ($2 city discount). Class will be held Thursday, Aug. 15 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Beach.
Pre-register for the class by Monday, Aug. 12 at Sandpoint Parks and Rec, located at 1123 Lake Street.
For more information call 263-3613.