Administration is full of deception and lies
President Obama promised his would be the most accountable, transparent administration; he would lower our health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year, we could keep our doctors and our health plans if we wanted; he promised to create jobs, lower the unemployment rate, balance the budget by the end of his first term, promised he would go through the budget with a fine toothed comb eliminating all waste; promised to unite the country and stop all of the rancor between the parties. There has been zero responsibility and accountability from Benghazi to the IRS and especially concerning the Non-affordable Health Care Act.
In fact, there has been deception and actual lies (untrue statements meant to deceive) from the president and his administration. President Obma blames anyone and anything that doesn’t align with his ideology. And now, with his support, the Senate Democrats have broken their rules to change Senate rules. With a single majority vote, they broke the 235-year Senate rule that will make half the country’s votes and opinions not count anymore, just the opposite of what the founders intended and what Obama promised. Democrats have always claimed to be the party of the “little guy” and minorities, yet with this action, they have excluded the minority party. More and more, we are being robbed of making our own choices and decisions, and I fear the worst is yet to come in the coming year.