Ability to chose is not a right
Re: The Life Chain event in Sandpoint, 1/20/13.
“Pro” It is a prefix that means for or forward. What is the opposite of “pro?” The answer is “con.” It is a prefix that means against. It denotes the negative side of a question as in “pros and cons.”
Therefore, if someone is “pro-life” that would mean that they are for life. Following the logic then, someone who is not pro-life would be “con-life,” against life or anti-life.
Some would argue, “Well, I am pro-life, I just think everyone has a right to choose.” Rights — it’s a very interesting topic. Where do our rights come from? The Declaration of Independence makes it clear, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
We don’t have a “right” to choose when it comes to life. We have the ability to choose. However, before our ability to choose comes another’s God-given right to life. So if one’s ability to choose and another’s right to life ever come into conflict, the individual’s right to life prevails.
Every unborn child has the right to life; they are just the ones without the ability to choose.