District must learn to live within budget
Weather report from the LPOSD’s $15, 767,484 levy presentation: partly murky with a chance of the sky falling.
This sums up the LPOSD’s presentations given around the county. A masterpiece of omission and spin, it fails to provide answers to many questions, among them:
Why it raises monthly property taxes by 22 percent when the school district has lowered its budget by less than 1 percent.
Why LPOSD spends 85 percent of its budget on administrator/teacher salaries and costs but only 15 percent on students.
Why the top 10 LPOSD administrators make $1,035,000 a year including health benefits.
Why our charter school is able to function well without the benefit of levy money.
Why a school district with a nearly constant diminishing student population cannot find a way to live within its budget.
Please vote “no” on this levy.