Wednesday, December 18, 2024

News of Record 12-08-12

| January 7, 2013 8:00 PM

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 1

Date: 12/07/12


12-023722 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Cocolalla ID 83813

Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Walker, A, Riffel, T, ISP

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 08:27

Time Arrived : 08:34 Time Completed : 09:37

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 08:03

Time Arrived : 08:08 Time Completed : 10:29

Unit: 278 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 09:29 Time Completed : 10:22

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 07:25

Time Arrived : 09:10 Time Completed : 07:52

Unit: ISP Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 08:18 Time Completed : 11:12

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 09:37

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:47



A slide off was reported.



12-023723 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Division Ave & Main St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1131 Time Reported: 07:24 Time Dispatched: 07:27

Time Arrived : 07:31 Time Completed : 07:34

Unit: SFD Time Reported: 07:24 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 07:34

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 07:24 Time Dispatched: 07:26

Time Arrived : 07:26 Time Completed : 07:51


Dispatch Summary Statement: Two vehicles; non-injury.

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 2

Date: 12/07/12



12-023724 Accident, Unknown Injury

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Dufort Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Riffel, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched: 07:53

Time Arrived : 08:01 Time Completed : 08:06

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched: 07:52

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 08:03

Unit: 1280 Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched: 07:53

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 07:55

Unit: 1281 Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched: 07:55

Time Arrived : 08:02 Time Completed : 08:04

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched: 07:52

Time Arrived : 08:00 Time Completed : 08:20

Unit: 3590 Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched: 07:54

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 08:05

Unit: BCEM Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 08:05

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 07:49 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 08:06



Report of a traffic accident in the 3000 block of Dufort Road.



12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 3

Date: 12/07/12


12-023725 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 41 & Chipakota Ln

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 07:39 Time Dispatched: 07:52

Time Arrived : 07:52 Time Completed : 07:52



A traffic hazard was reported.



12-023726 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Coldwater Creek Dr

Kootenai ID 83840

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 08:05 Time Dispatched: 08:11

Time Arrived : 08:39 Time Completed : 08:39



Report of a civil problem in the area of McGhee Road.



12-023727 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Cocolalla ID 83813

Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Walker, A, Riffel, T, ISP

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 08:27

Time Arrived : 08:34 Time Completed : 09:37

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 08:03

Time Arrived : 08:08 Time Completed : 10:29

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 4

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: 278 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 09:29 Time Completed : 10:22

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 07:25

Time Arrived : 09:10 Time Completed : 07:52

Unit: ISP Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 08:18 Time Completed : 11:12

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 07:21 Time Dispatched: 09:37

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:47


12-023728 Reckless Driving

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: PPD, Cornelius, J

Disposition : UTL

Unit: 4002 Time Reported: 08:31 Time Dispatched: 08:36

Time Arrived : 08:36 Time Completed : 08:39

Unit: PPD Time Reported: 08:31 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:14


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer received a call of a reckless driver in the

475000 block of Highway 95.


12-023729 Assist Other Agency

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Michigan St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J, Coon C

Disposition :

Unit: 1131 Time Reported: 09:08 Time Dispatched: 09:13

Time Arrived : 09:14 Time Completed : 09:29

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 09:08 Time Dispatched: 09:12

Time Arrived : 09:16 Time Completed : 09:27

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 5

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 09:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:27

Unit: SFD Time Reported: 09:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:29

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 09:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:18

Unit: SP50 Time Reported: 09:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 09:16 Time Completed : 09:33


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer assisted ems personnel in the 1200 block.


12-023730 Information

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Dufort Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 09:40 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:42



There was a 9-1-1 hang up call in the 15000 block of Dufort Road.



12-023731 Welfare Check

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Dufort Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Walker, A, Riffel, T, Reynolds, T,

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 08:51 Time Dispatched: 10:31

Time Arrived : 10:46 Time Completed : 11:31

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 6

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: 271 Time Reported: 08:51 Time Dispatched: 10:14

Time Arrived : 11:13 Time Completed : 10:35

Unit: 278 Time Reported: 08:51 Time Dispatched: 10:22

Time Arrived : 11:14 Time Completed : 11:40

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 08:51 Time Dispatched: 09:04

Time Arrived : 11:14 Time Completed : 09:42

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 08:51 Time Dispatched: 10:15

Time Arrived : 10:32 Time Completed : 11:12



There was a request for a welfare check in the 12600 block of Dufort Road.



12-023732 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 10:00 Time Dispatched: 10:17

Time Arrived : 10:17 Time Completed : 10:17



Report of moose trying to cross the highway in Elmira.



12-023733 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 10:05 Time Dispatched: 10:08

Time Arrived : 12:36 Time Completed : 10:15


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 7

Date: 12/07/12



Report of a citizen assist in the 4000 block of North Boyer.



12-023734 Previous Incident Follow Up

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Paradox Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, Hughes, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 10:30 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:13

Unit: 356 Time Reported: 10:30 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:07



A request for follow-up was received.



12-023735 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 200 & 5th Ave

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 10:54 Time Dispatched: 10:56

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:05


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officers handled a traffic hazard in the

area of Highway 200 and 5th.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 8

Date: 12/07/12


12-023736 Fraud

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Cuban Creek Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 11:07 Time Dispatched: 11:29

Time Arrived : 11:32 Time Completed : 11:32



Report of fraud in the 100 block of Cuban Creek Road in Priest River.



12-023737 Custodial Interference

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 41

Blanchard ID 83804

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, Deem, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 11:11 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:24

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 11:11 Time Dispatched: 16:35

Time Arrived : 16:36 Time Completed : 13:24



There was a report of custodial interference in the 26000 block of Highway 41.



12-023738 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 11:30 Time Dispatched: 11:37

Time Arrived : 11:49 Time Completed : 11:49

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 9

Date: 12/07/12




Request to speak with a Deputy from an out of state caller with a legal




12-023739 Previous Incident Follow Up

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Wooded Acres Dr

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 11:38 Time Dispatched: 11:51

Time Arrived : 12:40 Time Completed : 12:41



Request to speak with a Deputy from a citizen in the 1400 block of Wooded Acres




12-023740 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 57

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : UTL

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 11:53 Time Dispatched: 11:56

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:24



There was a slide off in the 7000 block of Highway 57.



12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 10

Date: 12/07/12


12-023741 Theft of Property

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 12:06 Time Dispatched: 12:12

Time Arrived : 12:20 Time Completed : 12:30


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023742 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bodie Canyon Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: WPO Fire Dept, Walker, A, Reynolds, T, Deem,

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1993 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 12:24 Time Completed : 12:24

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched: 12:24

Time Arrived : 12:41 Time Completed : 12:41

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched: 12:24

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:26

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched: 13:18

Time Arrived : 13:18 Time Completed : 13:18


12-023743 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bodie Canyon Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: WPO Fire Dept, Walker, A, Reynolds, T, Deem,

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1993 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 12:24 Time Completed : 12:24

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 11

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: 271 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched: 12:24

Time Arrived : 12:41 Time Completed : 12:41

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched: 12:24

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:26

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 12:23 Time Dispatched: 13:18

Time Arrived : 13:18 Time Completed : 13:18



Report of a slide off in the pre 1000 block of Bodie Canyon Road.



12-023744 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Pine St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 12:13 Time Dispatched: 12:34

Time Arrived : 12:35 Time Completed : 12:35


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023745 Business/Residential Alarm

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Mogul Hill Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 12:41 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:46



Report of a residential alarm in the 700 block of Mogul Hill Road.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 12

Date: 12/07/12



12-023746 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address :

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 12:09 Time Dispatched: 12:44

Time Arrived : 12:44 Time Completed : 12:44



A 911 hang up call was investigated



12-023747 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : E Spring St S & Highway 41

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, Deem, S

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1961 Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched: 13:01

Time Arrived : 13:14 Time Completed : 13:20

Unit: 1993 Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched: 12:57

Time Arrived : 13:08 Time Completed : 13:21

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:32 Time Completed : 14:33

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched: 13:32

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:15

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:04

Unit: NPA Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:35

Unit: NPA4 Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched: 13:04

Time Arrived : 13:06 Time Completed : 13:18

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 13

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: NPFD Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:16

Unit: WPFD Time Reported: 12:53 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:00 Time Completed : 13:19



Report of a non injury accident on Highway 41.



12-023748 Business/Residential Alarm

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Mogul Hill Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 12:52 Time Dispatched: 12:56

Time Arrived : 13:07 Time Completed : 13:07



A residential alarm was reported.



12-023749 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Jerrys Way

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:09 Time Dispatched: 13:21

Time Arrived : 13:21 Time Completed : 13:21



A deputy checked on a report of suspicious circumstances.



12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 14

Date: 12/07/12


12-023750 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Dufort Rd & Old Thama Ferry Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1901 Time Reported: 13:15 Time Dispatched: 13:22

Time Arrived : 13:34 Time Completed : 13:36

Unit: 1961 Time Reported: 13:15 Time Dispatched: 13:20

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:27

Unit: 1993 Time Reported: 13:15 Time Dispatched: 13:21

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:36

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 13:15 Time Dispatched: 13:19

Time Arrived : 13:31 Time Completed : 13:59

Unit: WPFD Time Reported: 13:15 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:36



Report of a traffic accident in the 10000 block of Dufort Road.



12-023751 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 57

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 13:21 Time Dispatched: 14:26

Time Arrived : 14:26 Time Completed : 13:32



There was a traffic hazard in the 4500 block of Highway 57.



12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 15

Date: 12/07/12


12-023752 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : W Lake St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 13:26 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:26 Time Completed : 13:27


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023754 Runaway Juvenile

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Spruce St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 13:30 Time Dispatched: 13:38

Time Arrived : 13:43 Time Completed : 14:16


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023755 Civil Protection Order

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : ACT

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 13:40 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:41


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 16

Date: 12/07/12


12-023756 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Woodside Rd & Selle Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Riffel, T, Mitton B, Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:44

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:50

Unit: 1401 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:45

Time Arrived : 13:48 Time Completed : 13:59

Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:46

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:59

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:44

Time Arrived : 13:52 Time Completed : 14:30

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:49

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:52

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:53

Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:59



Report of a non injury single vehicle roll over crash in the 1100 block of Selle




12-023757 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Woodside Rd & Selle Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Riffel, T, Mitton B, Flynn, A

Disposition :

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:44

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:50

Unit: 1401 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:45

Time Arrived : 13:48 Time Completed : 13:59

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 17

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: 1461 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:46

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:59

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:44

Time Arrived : 13:52 Time Completed : 14:30

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 13:49

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:52

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:53

Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:59


12-023758 Accident, Hit and Run

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Tibbetts LN @ Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Riffel, T, Collins, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:48 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:54

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 13:48 Time Dispatched: 14:03

Time Arrived : 14:03 Time Completed : 14:03


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officers took a report of a Hit and Run

Accident in the area of


12-023759 Accident, Hit and Run

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Riffel, T, Collins, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:48 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:54

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 18

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 13:48 Time Dispatched: 14:03

Time Arrived : 14:03 Time Completed : 14:03


12-023760 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bonner Mall Way

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:54 Time Completed : 13:59



A Deputy handled several slide offs in the area of Bonner Mall.



12-023761 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Talache Rd & Laura Ln

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:00

Time Arrived : 14:11 Time Completed : 14:06

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 13:59

Time Arrived : 14:27 Time Completed : 14:07

Unit: 1280 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched: 14:02

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:12

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:07



A Deputy investigated a non injury accident.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 19

Date: 12/07/12



12-023762 Assist Other Agency

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Washington Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ryan, E, Bailey R

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP12 Time Reported: 13:45 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:34

Unit: SP52 Time Reported: 13:45 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 14:30 Time Completed : 16:32


12-023763 Accident, Unknown Injury

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Sagle Rd & Lignite Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1201 Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched: 14:08

Time Arrived : 14:11 Time Completed : 14:13

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 14:06 Time Completed : 14:07

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched: 14:41

Time Arrived : 14:11 Time Completed : 14:26

Unit: 3581 Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched: 14:10

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:13

Unit: 3593 Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched: 14:08

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:13

Unit: BCEM Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:13

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:13

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 14:06 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:13


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 20

Date: 12/07/12



Summary: A deputy investigated a non injury crash.



12-023764 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 57

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 14:08 Time Dispatched: 14:25

Time Arrived : 14:25 Time Completed : 14:25



There was a traffic hazard in the 8000 block of Highway 57.



12-023765 Attempt to Locate

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:07 Time Dispatched: 14:14

Time Arrived : 14:25 Time Completed : 14:23



Report of an attempt to locate in the 468000 block of US Highway 95.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 21

Date: 12/07/12


12-023766 Grand Theft

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Roberts, R

Disposition : ACT

Unit: PR1 Time Reported: 12:40 Time Dispatched: 12:45

Time Arrived : 12:48 Time Completed : 15:15


Dispatch Summary:

Offense: I.C 18-2407(2) Petit Theft


12-023767 Traffic Violation

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Main St & N 4th Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 14:15 Time Dispatched: 14:27

Time Arrived : 14:27 Time Completed : 14:36


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023768 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2

Dover ID 83825

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched: 14:24

Time Arrived : 14:24 Time Completed : 14:25



Report of a traffic hazard in the 25000 block of Highway 2.

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12-023769 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Gregory St

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: McLain, D, Deem, S

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 13:59 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:29

Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 13:59 Time Dispatched: 16:31

Time Arrived : 16:36 Time Completed : 17:02



Report of phone harassment in Priest River.



12-023770 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : St Germaine Rd

Spirit Lake ID 83869

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 13:42 Time Dispatched: 15:13

Time Arrived : 15:52 Time Completed : 14:40



There was a civil dispute on St Germaine Road in Spirit Lake.



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12-023771 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bonner Mall Way

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Horvath, C, Collins, J

Disposition : INA

Unit: 4005 Time Reported: 14:32 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:17

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 14:32 Time Dispatched: 14:36

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:38


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer took a walk in report of a collision that

occurred in the 300 block of Bonner Mall Way.


12-023772 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95 & Bonner Mall Way

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 14:36 Time Dispatched: 14:38

Time Arrived : 14:48 Time Completed : 14:48


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer handled a report of an accident in

the area of Highway 95 and Bonner Mall Way.


12-023773 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2 & N State Ave

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Deem, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 14:31 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:40

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Someone reported a traffic hazard on Highway 2 in Oldtown.



12-023774 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Schweitzer Cutoff Rd & N Boyer Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 14:31 Time Dispatched: 14:41

Time Arrived : 14:51 Time Completed : 14:51


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023775 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Colburn-culver Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 14:34 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:43



Report of a tree across the road at the 5200 block of Colburn-Culver Road.



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12-023776 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Jewel Lake Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:39 Time Dispatched: 14:48

Time Arrived : 14:55 Time Completed : 14:55



Report of a citizen assist in the 1000 block of Jewel Lake Road.



12-023777 Child Neglect

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bearfoot Hollow

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : 2

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 14:37 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:48



Dispatch Summary: A report of child abuse was placed under investigation.



12-023778 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Onramp 475nb H95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 14:53 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 14:53 Time Completed : 15:05


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer handled a traffic hazard in the

area of Highway 200 and Highway 95.

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12-023779 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Ponderay Area

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers:

Disposition : ACT

Unit: Time Reported: 15:00 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed :


12-023780 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Westmond Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:56 Time Dispatched: 15:03

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:18



Report of a citizen assist in the pre 1000 block of Westmond Road.



12-023781 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 200

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:01 Time Dispatched: 15:06

Time Arrived : 15:10 Time Completed : 15:07



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Report of a traffic hazard on Hwy 200 at mile marker 37.



12-023782 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address :

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:04 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:07



Report of an untraceable 911 hang up phone call.



12-023783 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 57

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Reynolds, T, Deem, S

Disposition : UTL

Unit: 271 Time Reported: 14:31 Time Dispatched: 15:11

Time Arrived : 15:11 Time Completed : 15:11

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 14:31 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:13



There was a report of a slide off in the 4000 block of Highway 57.



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12-023784 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : S Florence Ave & Michigan St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 15:11 Time Dispatched: 15:17

Time Arrived : 15:18 Time Completed : 15:30


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023785 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 200 & Colburn-culver Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:12 Time Dispatched: 15:18

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:33



Report of a traffic hazard on Highway 200 at mile marker 36.



12-023786 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : 5th Ave & Larch St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Walker, A, Riffel, T

Disposition : 2

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 14:58 Time Dispatched: 16:06

Time Arrived : 15:39 Time Completed : 17:34

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 14:58 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 16:01 Time Completed : 16:17

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Dispatch Summary: Nichole Espinoza was arrested on a warrant for violating her




12-023787 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Peninsula Rd

Hope ID 83836

Responding Officers: Walker, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 324 Time Reported: 15:10 Time Dispatched: 15:42

Time Arrived : 15:42 Time Completed : 15:44



Report of a harassment in the pre 1000 block of Peninsula Road.



12-023788 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Main St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Inman, J, Chamberlain, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 15:33 Time Dispatched: 16:37

Time Arrived : 16:41 Time Completed : 15:51

Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 15:33 Time Dispatched: 15:44

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:50


Dispatch Summary Statement:


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12-023789 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 15:46 Time Dispatched: 16:07

Time Arrived : 16:07 Time Completed : 16:07



Report of a traffic hazard on the Long Bridge.



12-023790 Assist Other Agency

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Industrial Dr

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Chamberlain, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 14:52 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:51


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023791 Theft of Property

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 200

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 15:49 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 16:01 Time Completed : 16:05


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer took a report of a theft in the

31000 block of Highway 200.

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12-023792 Welfare Check

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Lupine St

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 16:08 Time Dispatched: 16:24

Time Arrived : 16:27 Time Completed : 16:42


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer handled a welfare check in the 500

block of Lupine St.


12-023793 Accident Slide off

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Schweitzer Mountain Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 16:12 Time Dispatched: 16:16

Time Arrived : 16:27 Time Completed : 16:31



Report of a one vehicle slide off accident on Schweitzer Mountain Road.



12-023794 Civil Dispute

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Wrenco Rd & Spring Creek Ln

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Riffel, T, Deem, S

Disposition : NR

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Unit: 125 Time Reported: 13:10 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:15

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 13:10 Time Dispatched: 16:30

Time Arrived : 16:30 Time Completed : 16:30



There was a report of a civil dispute on North Wrenco Road in Sandpoint.



12-023795 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Gregory St

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: McLain, D, Deem, S

Disposition :

Unit: 310 Time Reported: 13:59 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:29

Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 13:59 Time Dispatched: 16:31

Time Arrived : 16:36 Time Completed : 17:02


12-023796 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Jefferson Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Giffin, D

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 15:56 Time Dispatched: 16:43

Time Arrived : 17:21 Time Completed : 16:47


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12-023797 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Larch St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Giffin, D

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 16:44 Time Dispatched: 16:49

Time Arrived : 16:49 Time Completed : 17:03


12-023798 Theft of Property

Call Received By:

Incident Address : S Division Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Chamberlain, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 16:42 Time Dispatched: 16:57

Time Arrived : 17:03 Time Completed : 17:26


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023800 Civil Protection Order

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Hickory St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers:

Disposition : ACT

Unit: Time Reported: 17:04 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed :


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12-023801 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Eastgate Dr & Highway 200

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Collins, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 17:36 Time Dispatched: 17:37

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:39


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officers handled a traffic hazard at

Eastgate and Highway 200.


12-023802 Animal Problem

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 200 & Shingle Mill Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 17:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 18:21 Time Completed : 18:21

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 17:36 Time Dispatched: 17:40

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:13



Report of an animal problem on Highway 200 in Sandpoint.



12-023803 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Blue Sky Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Littrell, B

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 16:51 Time Dispatched: 17:20

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:40

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Report of harassment in the 400 block of Blue Sky Road.



12-023804 Previous Incident Follow Up

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bearfoot Hollow

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Riffel, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 125 Time Reported: 17:39 Time Dispatched: 18:01

Time Arrived : 18:01 Time Completed : 18:01


12-023805 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Rocky Point Rd

Dover ID 83825

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 18:03 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:10



Report of a 911 hang up on the 600 block of Rocky Point in Dover.



12-023806 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Autumn Ln & S Division Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Giffin, D

Disposition : ACT

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Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 18:07 Time Dispatched: 18:10

Time Arrived : 18:10 Time Completed : 18:14


12-023807 DUI, Alcohol or Drugs

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Athol ID 83801

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Hutchison, C

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1201 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched: 18:12

Time Arrived : 18:27 Time Completed : 18:50

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched: 18:12

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:50

Unit: 1280 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched: 18:12

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:31

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:14

Unit: 3583 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched: 18:14

Time Arrived : 18:24 Time Completed : 19:42

Unit: 3593 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched: 18:12

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:14

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched: 18:38

Time Arrived : 18:38 Time Completed : 20:11

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:28

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 18:08 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:50



Report of a non-injury crash in the 454000 block of Highway 95.



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12-023808 Reckless Driving

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Cocolalla ID 83813

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : NR

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 18:49 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:10



Report of a reckless driver in the 462000 block of Highway 95.


12-023809 Welfare Check

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Huckleberry Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Giffin, D, Chamberlain, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 18:56 Time Dispatched: 19:04

Time Arrived : 19:08 Time Completed : 19:44

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 18:56 Time Dispatched: 19:04

Time Arrived : 19:05 Time Completed : 22:11


Dispatch Summary Statement:


12-023810 Assist Other Agency

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 57

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Hughes, A, Cotter, J

Disposition : AST

Unit: 356 Time Reported: 19:01 Time Dispatched: 19:08

Time Arrived : 19:09 Time Completed : 19:17

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Unit: 3585 Time Reported: 19:01 Time Dispatched: 19:05

Time Arrived : 19:07 Time Completed : 19:28

Unit: 37 Time Reported: 19:01 Time Dispatched: 19:05

Time Arrived : 19:05 Time Completed : 19:17

Unit: BCEM2 Time Reported: 19:01 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:28

Unit: WPFD Time Reported: 19:01 Time Dispatched: 19:06

Time Arrived : 19:08 Time Completed : 19:23



Report of an agency assist with medical in the 1800 block of Highway 57.


12-023811 Business/Residential Alarm

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Koch, B, Collins, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 19:06 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 19:09 Time Completed : 19:15

Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 19:06 Time Dispatched: 19:08

Time Arrived : 19:09 Time Completed : 19:15


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer responded to an alarm in the

476900 block of Highway 95.


12-023812 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : W Jackson Ave

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: McLain, D

Disposition : CLO

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Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 19:07 Time Dispatched: 19:19

Time Arrived : 19:20 Time Completed : 19:22


12-023813 Fire Vehicle

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Walker Way

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Sagle Fire, Hutchison, C, 1221

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1201 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:36

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:42

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:37

Time Arrived : 19:39 Time Completed : 19:59

Unit: 1280 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:38

Time Arrived : 19:39 Time Completed : 19:59

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:36

Time Arrived : 19:49 Time Completed : 20:16

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:59



Report of a vehicle fire on the 100 block of Walker Way Road in Sagle.



12-023814 Fire Vehicle

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Walker Way

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Sagle Fire, Hutchison, C, 1221

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 1201 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:36

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:42

Unit: 1221 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:37

Time Arrived : 19:39 Time Completed : 19:59

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Unit: 1280 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:38

Time Arrived : 19:39 Time Completed : 19:59

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched: 19:36

Time Arrived : 19:49 Time Completed : 20:16

Unit: SGFD Time Reported: 19:34 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:59


12-023815 Non Injury Accident

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 1401 Time Reported: 20:37 Time Dispatched: 20:49

Time Arrived : 21:02 Time Completed : 21:15

Unit: 1425 Time Reported: 20:37 Time Dispatched: 20:41

Time Arrived : 20:48 Time Completed : 21:25

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 20:37 Time Dispatched: 20:39

Time Arrived : 21:15 Time Completed : 22:34

Unit: 3580 Time Reported: 20:37 Time Dispatched: 20:41

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:58

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 20:37 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:58

Unit: NSFD Time Reported: 20:37 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:25



Report of a non injury crash in the 490000 block of Highway 95.


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12-023816 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Trails End Rd

Athol ID 83801

Responding Officers: Littrell, B

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 20:41 Time Dispatched: 21:01

Time Arrived : 21:15 Time Completed : 21:28



Report of a traffic hazard in the area of Trails End Road.



12-023817 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Blakley Ct

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Littrell, B

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 21:16 Time Dispatched: 21:51

Time Arrived : 21:59 Time Completed : 21:28



Report of a 911 hang-up in the 100 block of Blakley Court.



12-023818 Accident, Unknown Injury

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 41 & Clagstone Cutoff

Spirit Lake ID 83869

Responding Officers: Hughes, A, Cotter, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 356 Time Reported: 21:30 Time Dispatched: 21:49

Time Arrived : 21:49 Time Completed : 21:58

Unit: 37 Time Reported: 21:30 Time Dispatched: 21:34

Time Arrived : 22:02 Time Completed : 21:46

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Unit: EMS81 Time Reported: 21:30 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 21:49 Time Completed : 00:12

Unit: SLA Time Reported: 21:30 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:12



Report of an unknown injury accident in the area of Highway 41 and Clagstone



12-023819 Business/Residential Alarm

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Peninsula Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Cotter, J

Disposition : UNF

Unit: 37 Time Reported: 21:44 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:46



Report of a residentual alarm in the 2000 block of Peninsula Road.


12-023820 Welfare Check

Call Received By:

Incident Address : E Spring Creek Rd

Clark Fork ID 83811

Responding Officers: Littrell, B

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 20:18 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:47



Report of a welfare check in the 2000 block of East Spring Creek.



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12-023821 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : 2nd Street

Clark Fork ID 83811

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 22:11 Time Dispatched: 22:55

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 22:44

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 22:11 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 23:25



Report of a 911 hang up on the 100 block of Second Street in Clark Fork.



12-023822 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Cotter, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 37 Time Reported: 22:55 Time Dispatched: 22:55

Time Arrived : 22:55 Time Completed : 00:17



David W. Rail of Priest River was arrested on an outstanding warrant in the 6000

block of Highway 2.


12-023823 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N 1st Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Koch, B, Jones, J, Hutchison, C,

Disposition : ACT

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Unit: 309 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:10 Time Completed : 23:26

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:12 Time Completed : 23:24

Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:08 Time Completed : 23:24

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:07 Time Completed : 23:27

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:07 Time Completed : 23:31

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:06 Time Completed : 23:31


12-023824 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N 1st Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Koch, B, Jones, J, Hutchison, C,

Disposition : NR

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:10 Time Completed : 23:26

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:12 Time Completed : 23:24

Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:08 Time Completed : 23:24

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:07 Time Completed : 23:27

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:07 Time Completed : 23:31

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:06 Time Completed : 23:31



Report of an agency assist on the 200 block of North First Avenue in Sandpoint.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 45

Date: 12/07/12



12-023825 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N 1st Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Koch, B, Jones, J, Hutchison, C,

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:10 Time Completed : 23:26

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:12 Time Completed : 23:24

Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:08 Time Completed : 23:24

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:07 Time Completed : 23:27

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched: 23:06

Time Arrived : 23:07 Time Completed : 23:31

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 23:05 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 23:06 Time Completed : 23:31


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer assisted Sandpoint Police with a disorderly

group in the 200 block of N. 1st Ave.


12-023826 DUI, Alcohol or Drugs

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Baldy Mountain Rd & Luxury Ln

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Hutchison, C

Disposition : 2

Unit: 1701 Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched: 00:07

Time Arrived : 00:18 Time Completed : 00:32

Unit: 1721 Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched: 00:11

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:24

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 46

Date: 12/07/12


Unit: 309 Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched: 00:00

Time Arrived : 00:08 Time Completed : 02:36

Unit: 3580 Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched: 00:03

Time Arrived : 00:12 Time Completed : 00:42

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched: 00:02

Time Arrived : 00:09 Time Completed : 02:02

Unit: BCEM1 Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:42

Unit: WSFD Time Reported: 23:58 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:32



Andrew Jorgenson of Vancouver, Washington was arrested for DUI on Baldy Mountain

Road in Sandpoint.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 47

Date: 12/08/12


12-023827 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N 1st Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Jones, J, Giffin, D, Chamberlain, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 00:06 Time Dispatched: 00:07

Time Arrived : 00:10 Time Completed : 00:22

Unit: SP19 Time Reported: 00:06 Time Dispatched: 00:07

Time Arrived : 00:10 Time Completed : 00:22

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 00:06 Time Dispatched: 00:07

Time Arrived : 00:10 Time Completed : 00:23


12-023828 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : E Beardmore Ave

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: McLain, D

Disposition : CLO

Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 00:24 Time Dispatched: 00:27

Time Arrived : 00:29 Time Completed : 00:44


12-023829 DUI, Alcohol or Drugs

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Koch, B

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 01:04 Time Dispatched: 01:26

Time Arrived : 01:20 Time Completed : 03:39


Dispatch Summary Statement: Kathleen M. Emerson (age 56) of Usk Washington was

arrested for DUI/Excessive and cited for Possession of Prescription Medications

Without a Prescription in the 476900 block of Hwy 95.


12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 48

Date: 12/08/12


12-023830 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Chestnut St & N Division Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Jones, J, Hutchison, C

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched: 03:04

Time Arrived : 03:18 Time Completed : 03:34

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched: 03:04

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 03:26

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 03:12 Time Completed : 03:34


12-023831 Assist Other Agency

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Chestnut St & N Division Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Jones, J, Hutchison, C

Disposition : AST

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched: 03:04

Time Arrived : 03:18 Time Completed : 03:34

Unit: 363 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched: 03:04

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 03:26

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 03:12 Time Completed : 03:34



Report of an agency assist with Sandpoint Police.

12/08/12 Bonner County 9-1-1 632

10:00 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 49

Date: 12/08/12


12-023832 Previous Incident Follow Up

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Koch, B

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 03:37 Time Dispatched: 03:54

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 03:54


Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer assisted a citizen in the 476900 block of

Hwy 95.



Report Includes:

All reported dates between `05:00:00 12/07/12` and `05:00:00 12/08/12`

All natures

All responsible officers

All received by officers

All dispositions

All locations

All cities

All agencies

All responding officers


*** End of Report /tmp/rpt--ag7a-rplwdal.r1_1 ***