Don't miss out on awesome concert
Boy, what an experience …
It’s amazing that people like me can live in Sandpoint and, in spite of the Bee articles, still not know some of what’s going on in this remarkable town.
At the Gardenia Center on Sunday, we were wowed by three youths from the nonprofit Music Conservatory. The Mozart-playing string quartet was shockingly, to me, far beyond awesome … and I’m not even a Mozart fan. By happenstance, for the first time, I just stumbled into the Gardenia Center, which I was not at all certain would be my cup of tea. What a surprise! I was totally impressed by the faith and genuineness of the people and the awesome music.
These musical miracle youth are going to be playing at the Panida on Wednesday at 7 p.m. I’m going! I decided to write this letter so everyone might do themselves a favor, that would be easy to miss and appreciate just another happening that makes our Sandpoint so darn special. I hope 125 people will attend to give these youth a boost.