News of Record 2-3-13
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 1
Date: 02/02/13
13-001895 Previous Incident Follow Up
Incident Address : Dufort Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 07:16 Time Dispatched: 07:30
Time Arrived : 07:31 Time Completed : 07:31
Report of a follow-up in the 3600 block of Dufort Road.
13-001896 Previous Incident Follow Up
Incident Address : Highway 95
Cocolalla ID 83813
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 08:52 Time Dispatched: 09:04
Time Arrived : 09:04 Time Completed : 09:04
Report of a follow up call in the 459000 block of Highway 95.
13-001897 Hunting & Fishing Violations
Incident Address : Highway 57
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Soumas, R, Gagnon, M, Davis, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: FG120 Time Reported: 09:04 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:26
Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 09:04 Time Dispatched: 09:28
Time Arrived : 09:28 Time Completed : 09:29
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 2
Date: 02/02/13
13-001898 Business/Residential Alarm
Incident Address : Church St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 09:16 Time Dispatched: 09:17
Time Arrived : 09:18 Time Completed : 09:47
13-001899 Citizen Assist
Call Received By: Faubion, T
Incident Address : N Boyer Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 09:11 Time Dispatched: 09:17
Time Arrived : 09:25 Time Completed : 09:25
Report of a citizen assist in the 4000 block of North Boyer Road.
13-001900 Business/Residential Alarm
Incident Address : Church St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition :
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 09:16 Time Dispatched: 09:17
Time Arrived : 09:18 Time Completed : 09:47
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 3
Date: 02/02/13
13-001901 Hunting & Fishing Violations
Incident Address : Highway 57
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Soumas, R, Gagnon, M, Davis, C
Disposition :
Unit: FG120 Time Reported: 09:04 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 09:26
Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 09:04 Time Dispatched: 09:28
Time Arrived : 09:28 Time Completed : 09:29
Dispatch Summary:
13-001902 911 Hangup
Incident Address : USFS
Careywood ID 83809
Responding Officers: Littrell, B, KC911
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 09:29 Time Dispatched: 09:46
Time Arrived : 09:46 Time Completed : 09:46
Unit: KC911 Time Reported: 09:29 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:44
Report of a 911 hang up in the 2400 block of Forest Service Road 315.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 4
Date: 02/02/13
13-001904 Citizen Assist
Incident Address : S Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 09:38 Time Dispatched: 09:51
Time Arrived : 09:51 Time Completed : 09:52
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001905 Citizen Assist
Incident Address : Alder St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 10:01 Time Dispatched: 10:07
Time Arrived : 10:09 Time Completed : 10:09
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001906 Abandoned Vehicle
Incident Address : Fir St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J,
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 10:20 Time Dispatched: 12:11
Time Arrived : 10:21 Time Completed : 12:13
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 5
Date: 02/02/13
13-001907 Hunting & Fishing Violations
Incident Address : Church St
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Gagnon, M, Davis, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 10:28 Time Dispatched: 10:37
Time Arrived : 10:37 Time Completed : 11:15
Dispatch Summary:
13-001908 Attempt to Locate
Incident Address : E Rock Rose LN
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : AST
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 10:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:48
Report of a attempt to locate in Priest River and Sandpoint areas.
13-001909 Fire Chimney
Incident Address : W Pine St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Bonner, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 1701 Time Reported: 10:55 Time Dispatched: 11:00
Time Arrived : 11:09 Time Completed : 13:03
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 6
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: 1721 Time Reported: 10:55 Time Dispatched: 11:08
Time Arrived : 11:19 Time Completed : 13:03
Unit: 1722 Time Reported: 10:55 Time Dispatched: 11:00
Time Arrived : 11:09 Time Completed : 13:03
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 10:55 Time Dispatched: 10:57
Time Arrived : 11:04 Time Completed : 11:47
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 10:55 Time Dispatched: 10:59
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:09
Unit: WSFD Time Reported: 10:55 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:03
Report of a chimney fire in the 11100 block of Pine Street, Sandpoint
13-001910 Citizen Assist
Incident Address : Herrmann Lake Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 10:37 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 10:59
Report of a citizen assist in the 700 block of Herman Lake Road.
13-001911 Juvenile Problem
Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Victorino, M, Collins, J
Disposition : CLO
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 7
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 11:48 Time Dispatched: 11:53
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:06
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer responded to a juvenile problem in the
1100 block of Kootenai Cut Off
13-001912 911 Hangup
Incident Address : Ridley Village Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 11:57 Time Dispatched: 12:15
Time Arrived : 12:15 Time Completed : 12:15
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001913 Felony Warrant Arrest
Incident Address : N Boyer Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: BCSO
Disposition : ACT
Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 12:31 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 12:34
Robert Warren Ford a 29 year old male was served with an arrest warrant.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 8
Date: 02/02/13
13-001914 Information
Incident Address : Aspen LN
Noxon MT 59853
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 12:14 Time Dispatched: 12:34
Time Arrived : 12:37 Time Completed : 12:37
Report of a information call on Aspen Lane.
13-001915 Non Injury Accident
Incident Address : Highway 200 & Delta View Rd
Hope ID 83836
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 12:31 Time Dispatched: 12:38
Time Arrived : 12:59 Time Completed : 12:59
Report of a non-injury accident in the area of Highway 200 and Delta View Road.
13-001916 Malicious Injury to Property
Incident Address : Jefferson Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 12:47 Time Dispatched: 12:49
Time Arrived : 12:54 Time Completed : 13:16
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 9
Date: 02/02/13
13-001917 Trespassing
Incident Address : Bryan Dr
Clark Fork ID 83811
Responding Officers: Littrell, B, Bonner, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 12:47 Time Dispatched: 13:07
Time Arrived : 13:39 Time Completed : 14:03
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 12:47 Time Dispatched: 13:07
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:29
Report of a suspicious person in the pre 100 block of Brain Drive, Clark Fork.
13-001918 Citizen Assist
Incident Address : Highway 57 & E Jefferson Ave
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Gagnon, M, Davis, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 12:50 Time Dispatched: 12:58
Time Arrived : 12:58 Time Completed : 12:58
Dispatch Summary:
13-001920 VIN Inspection
Incident Address : Colburn-culver Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: BCSO
Disposition : ACT
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 10
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 13:04 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:22
Report of a VIN inspection in the 3600 block of Colburn Culver Road.
13-001921 Unattended Death
Incident Address : X:-116.840951 Y:+048.546921 U:1410
Coolin ID 83821
Responding Officers: Proctor, J, Penn, J, Hughes, A
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:26
Time Arrived : 13:58 Time Completed : 17:06
Unit: 356 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:26
Time Arrived : 13:37 Time Completed : 13:37
Unit: 3585 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:18
Time Arrived : 13:41 Time Completed : 16:47
Unit: 3592 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:33
Time Arrived : 14:27 Time Completed : 16:45
Unit: 3593 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:32
Time Arrived : 14:27 Time Completed : 15:13
Unit: BCEM2 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:18
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:42
Unit: PLA Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:18
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:58
Unit: PLA1 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:32
Time Arrived : 13:34 Time Completed : 17:58
Unit: PLA2 Time Reported: 13:11 Time Dispatched: 13:32
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:58
Report of an unknown injury accident in the Coolin area.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 11
Date: 02/02/13
13-001922 Animal Problem
Incident Address : Chestnut St & Washington Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 13:20 Time Dispatched: 13:41
Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 13:56
13-001923 Mental subject
Incident Address : N 3rd Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers:
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:58
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:15
Time Arrived : 14:22 Time Completed : 17:05
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:01
Time Arrived : 14:08 Time Completed : 14:38
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 13:59
Time Arrived : 14:08 Time Completed : 14:47
13-001924 Mental subject
Incident Address : N 3rd Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers:
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:58
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 12
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:15
Time Arrived : 14:22 Time Completed : 17:05
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:01
Time Arrived : 14:08 Time Completed : 14:38
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 13:59
Time Arrived : 14:08 Time Completed : 14:47
Dispatch Summary Statement: Officer assisted another agency with a mental
hold in the 500 block of North 3rd Avenue in Sandpoint.
13-001925 Mental subject
Incident Address : N 3rd Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers:
Disposition :
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:58
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:15
Time Arrived : 14:22 Time Completed : 17:05
Unit: 4004 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 14:01
Time Arrived : 14:08 Time Completed : 14:38
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 13:58 Time Dispatched: 13:59
Time Arrived : 14:08 Time Completed : 14:47
Report of a mental person in the 500 block of North 3rd Avenue in Sandpoint.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 13
Date: 02/02/13
13-001926 Traffic Hazard
Incident Address : Highway 200
Clark Fork ID 83811
Responding Officers: ITD
Disposition : ACT
Unit: ITD Time Reported: 14:16 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:23
13-001927 Traffic Hazard
Incident Address : Pine St & N 1st Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 14:36 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:47
13-001928 Malicious Injury to Property
Incident Address : N Ella Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J, Hottman, M, Bonner, C,
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:55
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 18:33 Time Completed : 20:39
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched: 15:06
Time Arrived : 15:06 Time Completed : 15:06
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 14
Date: 02/02/13
13-001929 Traffic Violation
Incident Address : E Beardmore Ave & 2nd St
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Gagnon, M, Davis, C
Disposition : ACT
Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 14:39 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 15:08 Time Completed : 15:08
Dispatch Summary:
13-001930 Weapon Offense
Incident Address : Sequoia St & Honeysuckle Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 15:08 Time Dispatched: 15:12
Time Arrived : 15:37 Time Completed : 15:41
13-001931 Weapon Offense
Incident Address : Sequoia St & Honeysuckle Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 15:08 Time Dispatched: 15:12
Time Arrived : 15:37 Time Completed : 15:41
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 15
Date: 02/02/13
13-001932 911 Hangup
Incident Address : N Boyer Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Bonner, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 15:21 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:41
Report of a 911 hang-up in the 4000 block of North Boyer, Sandpoint.
13-001933 Malicious Injury to Property
Incident Address : N Ella Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J, Hottman, M, Bonner, C,
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 15:55
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 18:33 Time Completed : 20:39
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 14:05 Time Dispatched: 15:06
Time Arrived : 15:06 Time Completed : 15:06
Report of a malicious injury to property in the 700 block of Ella Street,
13-001935 Custodial Interference
Incident Address : W Lake St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Inman, J
Disposition : ACT
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 16
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: SP39 Time Reported: 14:16 Time Dispatched: 15:58
Time Arrived : 16:02 Time Completed : 16:05
13-001936 Accident, Hit and Run
Incident Address : N 1st Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giffin, D
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 16:03 Time Dispatched: 16:11
Time Arrived : 16:15 Time Completed : 17:27
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001937 Weapon Offense
Incident Address : Sunset Rd
Athol ID 83801
Responding Officers: Bonner, C
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 296 Time Reported: 16:24 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 16:32
Report of a weapon offense in the 1100 block of Sunset Road, Athol.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 17
Date: 02/02/13
13-001938 Weapon Offense
Incident Address : Valley Vista
Careywood ID 83809
Responding Officers: Swanstrom, T, Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 16:49 Time Dispatched: 17:03
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:49
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 16:49 Time Dispatched: 17:05
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:16
Report of a weapons offense in the 200 block of Valley Vista.
13-001939 Reckless Driving
Incident Address : Highway 2
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: BCSO
Disposition : CLO
Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 16:57 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:47
Report of a reckless driver in the 8000 block of Highway 2.
13-001940 Reckless Driving
Incident Address : Sagle Rd & Highway 95
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 17:14 Time Dispatched: 17:16
Time Arrived : 17:21 Time Completed : 17:53
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 18
Date: 02/02/13
Report of a reckless driver in the Sagle Road and Highway 95 area.
13-001941 Assist Other Agency
Incident Address : Halley St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giffin, D, Collins, J
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 17:22 Time Dispatched: 17:26
Time Arrived : 17:31 Time Completed : 17:49
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 17:22 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 17:27 Time Completed : 17:49
Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officers assisted Sandpoint Police with a
family offense in the 300 block of Halley St.
13-001942 Domestic Dispute
Incident Address : Halley St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giffin, D, Collins, J
Disposition :
Unit: 4008 Time Reported: 17:22 Time Dispatched: 17:26
Time Arrived : 17:31 Time Completed : 17:49
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 17:22 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 17:27 Time Completed : 17:49
Dispatch Summary Statement:
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 19
Date: 02/02/13
13-001943 911 Hangup
Incident Address : W 6th Ave
Clark Fork ID 83811
Responding Officers: Osborn, D, Littrell, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 17:21 Time Dispatched: 17:30
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:05
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 17:21 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:05
Report of a 911 hang-up in the 300 block of West 6th Avenue in Clark Fork.
13-001944 911 Hangup
Incident Address : X:-117.094624 Y:+047.920346 U:164
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 17:28 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:44
Report of a 911 phone call from an unknown location.
13-001945 Civil Standby
Incident Address : Larch St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giffin, D
Disposition : ACT
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 20
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 15:25 Time Dispatched: 18:13
Time Arrived : 18:13 Time Completed : 17:56
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001946 Vehicle Theft
Incident Address : Downtown Sandpoint
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giffin, D
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 16:07 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:56
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001947 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address : Highway 95
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Koch, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 19:42 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 19:47
Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer took report of a suspicious person
in the 477000 block of Hwy 95.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 21
Date: 02/02/13
13-001948 Citizen Assist
Incident Address : W Lake St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Giffin, D
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 19:24 Time Dispatched: 20:00
Time Arrived : 20:02 Time Completed : 20:12
13-001949 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address : Westmond Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 20:06 Time Dispatched: 20:20
Time Arrived : 20:25 Time Completed : 20:36
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 20:06 Time Dispatched: 20:09
Time Arrived : 20:25 Time Completed : 20:36
Report of a suspicious circumstance in the 200 block of Westmond Road.
13-001950 Domestic Dispute
Incident Address : Providence Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Swanstrom, T, Littrell, B, Koch, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:41
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:47
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:30
Time Arrived : 20:39 Time Completed : 20:47
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:23
Time Arrived : 20:28 Time Completed : 20:47
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 22
Date: 02/02/13
Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer assisted Bonner County Deputies
with a family offense investigation in the 32800 block of Hwy 200.
13-001951 Welfare Check
Incident Address : Main St
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: McLain, D, Hight, S, Deem, S
Disposition :
Unit: 321 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 20:40 Time Completed : 21:23
Unit: 3585 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched: 20:38
Time Arrived : 20:42 Time Completed : 21:22
Unit: BCEM2 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:22
Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched: 20:34
Time Arrived : 20:36 Time Completed : 21:23
Dispatch Summary:
13-001952 Welfare Check
Incident Address : Main St
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: McLain, D, Hight, S, Deem, S
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 321 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 20:40 Time Completed : 21:23
Unit: 3585 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched: 20:38
Time Arrived : 20:42 Time Completed : 21:22
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 23
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: BCEM2 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 21:22
Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 20:31 Time Dispatched: 20:34
Time Arrived : 20:36 Time Completed : 21:23
Deputies assisted Priest River Police Department on a welfare check.
13-001953 Disturbing the Peace
Incident Address : Krystle Loop
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Penn, J
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 20:23 Time Dispatched: 20:55
Time Arrived : 20:42 Time Completed : 20:46
Unit: 344 Time Reported: 20:23 Time Dispatched: 20:25
Time Arrived : 20:41 Time Completed : 21:01
Report of a noise complaint in the area of Krystle Loop and Beverly Drive in
13-001954 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address : Heath Lake Rd
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 20:43 Time Dispatched: 20:47
Time Arrived : 20:51 Time Completed : 20:55
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 20:43 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 20:51 Time Completed : 20:55
Report of a suspicious person in the 400 block of Heath Lake Road.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 24
Date: 02/02/13
13-001955 Domestic Dispute
Incident Address : Providence Rd
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Swanstrom, T, Littrell, B, Koch, B
Disposition :
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:41
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 20:47
Unit: 363 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:30
Time Arrived : 20:39 Time Completed : 20:47
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 20:19 Time Dispatched: 20:23
Time Arrived : 20:28 Time Completed : 20:47
Report of a family offense on Providence Road.
13-001956 Welfare Check
Incident Address : Highway 200
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 20:53 Time Dispatched: 20:56
Time Arrived : 21:13 Time Completed : 21:48
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 20:53 Time Dispatched: 21:00
Time Arrived : 21:11 Time Completed : 21:29
Report of a welfare check on Highway 200 near mile marker 33.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 25
Date: 02/02/13
13-001957 Citizen Assist
Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd
Ponderay ID 83852
Responding Officers: Koch, B
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 21:16 Time Dispatched: 21:43
Time Arrived : 21:43 Time Completed : 21:46
Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer assisted a citizen in the 1100
block of Kootenai Cutoff Rd.
13-001958 Domestic Dispute
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T, Koch, B, Jones, J, H
Disposition : ACT
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 22:21
Time Arrived : 22:41 Time Completed : 22:41
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 22:03
Time Arrived : 22:43 Time Completed : 22:43
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:54 Time Completed : 22:17
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 21:49
Time Arrived : 21:53 Time Completed : 22:47
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:53 Time Completed : 22:43
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 21:59
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 22:23
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 26
Date: 02/02/13
13-001959 Domestic Dispute
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T, Koch, B, Jones, J, H
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 22:21
Time Arrived : 22:41 Time Completed : 22:41
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 22:03
Time Arrived : 22:43 Time Completed : 22:43
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:54 Time Completed : 22:17
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 21:49
Time Arrived : 21:53 Time Completed : 22:47
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:53 Time Completed : 22:43
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 21:59
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 22:23
Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer assisted Sandpoint Police during a
family offense investigation.
13-001960 Domestic Dispute
Incident Address : N Boyer Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T, Koch, B, Jones, J, H
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 22:21
Time Arrived : 22:41 Time Completed : 22:41
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 22:03
Time Arrived : 22:43 Time Completed : 22:43
Unit: 4009 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:54 Time Completed : 22:17
Unit: SP16 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 21:49
Time Arrived : 21:53 Time Completed : 22:47
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 27
Date: 02/02/13
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 21:53 Time Completed : 22:43
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 21:45 Time Dispatched: 21:59
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 22:23
Report of a family offense in the 2100 block of North Boyer.
13-001961 Harassment
Incident Address : Cedar St
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Jones, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 22:10 Time Dispatched: 22:23
Time Arrived : 22:26 Time Completed : 22:47
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001963 Reckless Driving
Incident Address : Highway 95
Athol ID 83801
Responding Officers: BCSO
Disposition : ACT
Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 22:29 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 23:11
Report of a reckless vehicle on Highway 95 from mile marker 440.
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 28
Date: 02/02/13
13-001964 Disturbing the Peace
Incident Address : S 2nd Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Hottman, M
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP30 Time Reported: 22:08 Time Dispatched: 22:43
Time Arrived : 22:46 Time Completed : 22:53
13-001965 911 Hangup
Incident Address : Mohsen Dr
Sagle ID 83860
Responding Officers: Wiens, CJ, Swanstrom, T
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 164 Time Reported: 22:51 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 23:08 Time Completed : 23:10
Unit: 278 Time Reported: 22:51 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 23:08 Time Completed : 23:10
Report of a 911 hang up on Mohsen Drive.
13-001966 Business/Residential Alarm
Incident Address : Highway 2
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: McLain, D
Disposition : CLO
Unit: PR2 Time Reported: 23:36 Time Dispatched: 23:39
Time Arrived : 23:42 Time Completed : 23:52
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 29
Date: 02/02/13
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 30
Date: 02/03/13
13-001967 Non Injury Accident
Incident Address : Highway 57 & Luby Bay Rd
Priest Lake ID 83856
Responding Officers: Hight, S, Deem, S
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 2121 Time Reported: 00:00 Time Dispatched: 00:16
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:16
Unit: 321 Time Reported: 00:00 Time Dispatched: 00:02
Time Arrived : 00:42 Time Completed : 01:36
Unit: PLA Time Reported: 00:00 Time Dispatched: 00:05
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:45
Unit: PLA2 Time Reported: 00:00 Time Dispatched: 00:12
Time Arrived : 00:14 Time Completed : 00:45
Unit: WPLF Time Reported: 00:00 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 00:16
Report of a non injury accident on Highway 57 at Luby Bay Road.
13-001968 Non Injury Accident
Incident Address : Highway 2
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Osborn, D
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 1701 Time Reported: 00:51 Time Dispatched: 01:01
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 01:18
Unit: 1721 Time Reported: 00:51 Time Dispatched: 01:07
Time Arrived : 01:18 Time Completed : 01:18
Unit: 306 Time Reported: 00:51 Time Dispatched: 00:56
Time Arrived : 01:15 Time Completed : 01:29
Unit: WSFD Time Reported: 00:51 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 01:18
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 31
Date: 02/03/13
Deputy responded to Highway 2 near Laclede for a minor rock slide.
13-001969 Traffic Violation
Incident Address : Cedar St & N Ella Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Jones, J
Disposition : ACT
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 00:51 Time Dispatched: 01:07
Time Arrived : Time Completed : 01:15
Dispatch Summary Statement:
13-001970 Disturbing the Peace
Incident Address : E Lincoln Ave
Priest River ID 83856
Responding Officers: Hight, S, Deem, S
Disposition : CLO
Unit: 321 Time Reported: 02:20 Time Dispatched:
Time Arrived : 02:32 Time Completed : 03:33
There was a noise complaint in the 200 block of Lincoln Avenue in Priest River.
13-001971 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address : Washington Ave
Sandpoint ID 83864
Responding Officers: Jones, J
Disposition : ACT
02/03/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 764
10:08 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 32
Date: 02/03/13
Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 04:26 Time Dispatched: 04:28
Time Arrived : 04:32 Time Completed : 04:37
Dispatch Summary Statement:
Report Includes:
All reported dates between `05:00:00 02/02/13` and `05:00:00 02/03/13`
All natures
All responsible officers
All received by officers
All dispositions
All locations
All cities
All agencies
All responding officers
*** End of Report /tmp/rpt_-aoMa-rplwdal.r1_1 ***