Congressmen need to follow pope's lead
Pope Benedict stepped down because of his age and health issues and he says he cannot perform his required duties any longer. Good for him. So now all of the cardinals will decide who will be the next pope. I am pulling for Cardinal Sacola to be the new pope. Pope Sacola has a nice ring to it don’t you think?
It is really too bad that some of our aging politicos in Congress do not follow what the pope is doing and step down. After looking at some of these old politicos during the president’s State of the Union address last night, I cannot understand at the age of some of these senators and representatives, how they can still function and do the job we citizens elected them to do. Do they even know that Harry Truman is not the president any more?
Seat them all for a max of two terms only and then send them back to public life enjoying all of the benefits that we as citizens endure such as Social Security, Medicare, etc.