Wednesday, December 18, 2024

News of Record 3-12-13

| March 28, 2013 9:00 PM

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 1

Date: 03/11/13


13-003973 Felony Warrant Arrest

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Shamar Dr

Blanchard ID 83804

Responding Officers: Parnell, M, Herbig, N

Disposition : 2

Unit: 298 Time Reported: 05:13 Time Dispatched: 05:26

Time Arrived : 05:14 Time Completed : 07:30

Unit: 352 Time Reported: 05:13 Time Dispatched: 06:10

Time Arrived : 06:30 Time Completed : 07:08



Norman Wade Robbins of Blanchard was arrested on an outstanding Bonner County

felony warrant.



13-003974 Juvenile Problem

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Hickory St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Smith, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 07:33 Time Dispatched: 07:39

Time Arrived : 07:44 Time Completed : 07:48


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer contacted a group of juveniles reported

to be smoking in the 800 block; all were over eighteen.


13-003975 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Spades Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 08:12 Time Dispatched: 10:03

Time Arrived : 10:03 Time Completed : 08:52

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 2

Date: 03/11/13



309/ 27

Report of a 911 hangup on the 1800 block of Spades Road in Sagle.


13-003976 VIN Inspection

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Cavanaugh Bay Rd

Coolin ID 83821

Responding Officers:

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 298 Time Reported: 08:12 Time Dispatched: 09:47

Time Arrived : 09:47 Time Completed : 09:47


13-003977 VIN Inspection

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Beers Humbird Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Jay, P

Disposition : NR

Unit: 12 Time Reported: 09:22 Time Dispatched: 09:34

Time Arrived : 09:47 Time Completed : 10:02


13-003978 Civil Standby

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Reynolds Ln

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Parnell, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: 298 Time Reported: 09:16 Time Dispatched: 09:48

Time Arrived : 10:43 Time Completed : 10:48



Request for a civil standby request in the 200 block of Reynolds Road.

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 3

Date: 03/11/13




13-003979 Welfare Check

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Elmira Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 08:22 Time Dispatched: 08:52

Time Arrived : 09:45 Time Completed : 08:30



Report of a welfare check on the 4300 block of Elmira Road.


13-003980 Abandoned Vehicle

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Athol ID 83801

Responding Officers: Herbig, N

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 352 Time Reported: 10:12 Time Dispatched: 10:15

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:45


13-003981 Trespassing

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Pup Paw Trl

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Parnell, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: 298 Time Reported: 10:45 Time Dispatched: 10:48

Time Arrived : 11:31 Time Completed : 13:31



03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 4

Date: 03/11/13


Report of trespass in the 1700 block of Pup Paw Trail.



13-003982 Previous Incident Follow Up

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Flanders RD

Responding Officers: Johnston, G, Hutchison, C

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 18 Time Reported: 11:18 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:46

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 11:18 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:43



Dispatch Summary: Citizen who reported that he had information regarding

Kootenai County


13-003983 Burglary

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Woodland Dr

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C, Herbig, N

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 11:41 Time Dispatched: 12:43

Time Arrived : 12:43 Time Completed : 13:48

Unit: 352 Time Reported: 11:41 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 11:53



Report of a Burglary in the 300 block of Woodland Drive.



03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 5

Date: 03/11/13


13-003984 Information

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Oak St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Smith, S

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 12:19 Time Dispatched: 12:26

Time Arrived : 12:26 Time Completed : 12:27


Dispatch Summary Statement: 911 pocket dial reported in the 600 block.


13-003985 Reckless Driving

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : ACT

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 12:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:03


13-003986 Reckless Driving

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Talache Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : ACT

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 13:01 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 14:18


03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 6

Date: 03/11/13


13-003987 VIN Inspection

Call Received By:

Incident Address : S 1st Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Smith, S

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 12:50 Time Dispatched: 13:13

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 13:19


Dispatch Summary Statement: A VIN was verified in the 200 block.


13-003988 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Smith, S, Jones, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 12:54 Time Dispatched: 15:24

Time Arrived : 15:24 Time Completed : 15:24

Unit: SP38 Time Reported: 12:54 Time Dispatched: 13:23

Time Arrived : 13:23 Time Completed : 13:34


Dispatch Summary Statement: Possible harassment was reported in the 100 block.


13-003989 Animal Problem

Call Received By:

Incident Address : 5th St & E Jefferson Ave

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: McLain, D, Gagnon, M

Disposition : CLO

Unit: PR4 Time Reported: 13:03 Time Dispatched: 13:35

Time Arrived : 13:40 Time Completed : 13:40

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 7

Date: 03/11/13




Dispatch Summary:



13-003990 Animal Problem

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 13:43 Time Dispatched: 13:49

Time Arrived : 14:03 Time Completed : 14:04



Report of an animal problem on the 472000 block of Highway 95 in Sagle


13-003991 VIN Inspection

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Triangle Dr

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Hutter, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: 4001 Time Reported: 13:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 13:55 Time Completed : 13:58


Dispatch Summary Statement: A Ponderay officer completed a vin inspection in the

1100 block of Triangle Drive.


03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 8

Date: 03/11/13


13-003992 Civil Standby

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Cedar St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Jones, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 14:14 Time Dispatched: 14:16

Time Arrived : 14:19 Time Completed : 14:31


Dispatch Summary Statement: An officer stood by in the 1200 block; the male did

not arrive.


13-003993 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Westmond Rd

Sagle ID 83860

Responding Officers: Hutchison, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 309 Time Reported: 15:02 Time Dispatched: 15:05

Time Arrived : 15:28 Time Completed : 15:28



Report of a citizen assist on the 3600 block of Westmond Road in Sagle


13-003994 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : W Settlement Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Parnell, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: 298 Time Reported: 15:43 Time Dispatched: 15:50

Time Arrived : 15:53 Time Completed : 15:53



Report of a 911 hang-up in the 1600 block of West Settlement Road.

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 9

Date: 03/11/13




13-003995 Child Neglect

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Davis, C

Disposition : CLO

Unit: PR3 Time Reported: 16:03 Time Dispatched: 16:08

Time Arrived : 16:09 Time Completed : 16:17


Dispatch Summary Statement:


13-003996 Vandalism

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Chute Canyon Way

Responding Officers: Deal, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 171 Time Reported: 16:28 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:03



Dispatch Summary: A vandalism was reported in the 10000 block of Schweitzer

Mountain Road.



13-003997 Controlled Substance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Mattingley, C

Disposition : INA

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 10

Date: 03/11/13


Unit: 51 Time Reported: 16:55 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 16:57 Time Completed : 16:58


51***PENDING*** on going investigation

Dispatch Summary:



13-003998 Controlled Substance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Scholten, J

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 335 Time Reported: 15:30 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 17:01 Time Completed : 17:09


13-003999 Reckless Driving

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 200

Kootenai ID 83840

Responding Officers: BCSO

Disposition : NR

Unit: BCSO Time Reported: 17:02 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 17:34



Report of a reckless driver in the Hope area.



03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 11

Date: 03/11/13


13-004000 Traffic Hazard

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2 & W Johnson Creek Rd

Responding Officers: Valdez, J, Madden, G

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 332 Time Reported: 17:52 Time Dispatched: 17:54

Time Arrived : Time Completed : 18:05

Unit: 6 Time Reported: 17:52 Time Dispatched: 17:58

Time Arrived : 18:02 Time Completed : 18:04



Dispatch Summary: Report of an injured deer on Hwy 2 MP 19


13-004001 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Silver Birch Ln

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Madden, G, Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 17:58 Time Dispatched: 18:12

Time Arrived : 18:13 Time Completed : 18:13

Unit: 332 Time Reported: 17:58 Time Dispatched: 18:44

Time Arrived : 18:44 Time Completed : 18:44



Report of a citizen assist in the 200 block of Silver Birch Lane, Oldtown.



13-004002 Harassment

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Syringa Heights Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A

Disposition : CLO

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 12

Date: 03/11/13


Unit: 225 Time Reported: 18:01 Time Dispatched: 18:13

Time Arrived : 18:51 Time Completed : 18:51



Report of harassment in the 200 block of Syringa Heights Road.



13-004003 Traffic Violation

Call Received By:

Incident Address : W 4th Ave

Clark Fork ID 83811

Responding Officers: Deal, J

Disposition : 2

Unit: 171 Time Reported: 18:16 Time Dispatched: 19:01

Time Arrived : 18:34 Time Completed : 20:08



Branden J. Dowell of Clark Fork was arrested for Felony Driving under the

influence of alcohol and or drugs, and injury to a child.



13-004004 Dog Complaint

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Ella Ave & Hickory St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Jones, J

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP35 Time Reported: 18:35 Time Dispatched: 18:41

Time Arrived : 18:48 Time Completed : 18:49


Dispatch Summary Statement: Barking dog complaint.


03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 13

Date: 03/11/13


13-004005 Animal Problem

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Shingle Mill Rd & Highway 200

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Chandler, R

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 334 Time Reported: 19:00 Time Dispatched: 19:07

Time Arrived : 19:07 Time Completed : 19:07



Dispatch Summary: Animal problem in the 33000 block of HWY 200.


13-004006 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Bodie Canyon Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Madden, G

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 332 Time Reported: 19:12 Time Dispatched: 19:44

Time Arrived : 19:44 Time Completed : 19:44



Report of a citizen assist in the 2100 block of Bodie Canyon Road, Priest River.



13-004007 Juvenile Problem

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Kootenai Cutoff Rd

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Fry, T

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4006 Time Reported: 20:30 Time Dispatched: 20:38

Time Arrived : 20:41 Time Completed : 21:24


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer assisted a fellow citizen in the

1100 block of Kootenai Cutoff Road

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 14

Date: 03/11/13



13-004008 Dog Complaint

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Walnut St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Aerni, M

Disposition : ACT

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 21:05 Time Dispatched: 21:08

Time Arrived : 21:12 Time Completed : 21:33


Dispatch Summary Statement: The owner of two dogs found at large in the 1200

block was issued a verbal warning.


13-004009 911 Hangup

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Main St & Jefferson Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Aerni, M

Disposition : NR

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 21:30 Time Dispatched: 21:41

Time Arrived : 21:46 Time Completed : 21:52


Dispatch Summary Statement: Accidental 911 activation occurred in the 1200



13-004010 Controlled Substance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Church St; Church St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Aerni, M

Disposition : ACT

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 15

Date: 03/11/13


Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 21:51 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 22:00 Time Completed : 22:16

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 21:51 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 21:54 Time Completed : 22:17


Dispatch Summary Statement: Gerod R Buck, 33 YOA, of Sandpoint, was cited and

released for possession of paraphernalia.


13-004011 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N 1st Ave

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Flynn, A, Chandler, R

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 22:53 Time Dispatched: 22:56

Time Arrived : 22:57 Time Completed : 23:06

Unit: 334 Time Reported: 22:53 Time Dispatched: 22:56

Time Arrived : 22:58 Time Completed : 23:06



Report of a suspicious vehicle at the Kootenai Post Office.



03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 16

Date: 03/12/13


13-004012 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 2

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Valdez, J, Madden, G, Deal, J

Disposition : 2

Unit: 171 Time Reported: 00:15 Time Dispatched: 00:45

Time Arrived : 00:15 Time Completed : 01:55

Unit: 332 Time Reported: 00:15 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 00:15 Time Completed : 00:52

Unit: 6 Time Reported: 00:15 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 00:15 Time Completed : 00:52



Brett J. DeNune of Oldtown was arrested for trespassing at the Rio Bar.



13-004013 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Holly Glenn Rd

Priest River ID 83856

Responding Officers: Valdez, J

Disposition : NR

Unit: 6 Time Reported: 01:54 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 01:54 Time Completed : 01:56



Dispatch Summary: Requested a case for suspicious activity


13-004014 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : 5th Ave & Church St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Fry, T, Flynn, A, Chandler, R, Ae

Disposition : ACT

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 17

Date: 03/12/13


Unit: 225 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:39

Time Arrived : 02:47 Time Completed : 02:47

Unit: 334 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 02:39 Time Completed : 02:48

Unit: 4006 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:39

Time Arrived : 02:43 Time Completed : 02:56

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:37

Time Arrived : 02:38 Time Completed : 02:49

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:37

Time Arrived : 02:40 Time Completed : 02:51


Dispatch Summary Statement: Two males were fighting. They were separated and

neither wanted to press charges.


13-004015 Disorderly Conduct

Call Received By:

Incident Address : 5th Ave & Church St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Fry, T, Flynn, A, Chandler, R, Ae

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:39

Time Arrived : 02:47 Time Completed : 02:47

Unit: 334 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 02:39 Time Completed : 02:48

Unit: 4006 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:39

Time Arrived : 02:43 Time Completed : 02:56

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:37

Time Arrived : 02:38 Time Completed : 02:49

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:37

Time Arrived : 02:40 Time Completed : 02:51


03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 18

Date: 03/12/13


13-004016 Assist Other Agency

Call Received By:

Incident Address : 5th Ave & Church St

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Ziegler, S, Fry, T, Flynn, A, Chandler, R, Ae

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 225 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:39

Time Arrived : 02:47 Time Completed : 02:47

Unit: 334 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 02:39 Time Completed : 02:48

Unit: 4006 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:39

Time Arrived : 02:43 Time Completed : 02:56

Unit: SP33 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:37

Time Arrived : 02:38 Time Completed : 02:49

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 02:36 Time Dispatched: 02:37

Time Arrived : 02:40 Time Completed : 02:51


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer assisted SPD in the 500 block of

Church Street


13-004017 Business/Residential Alarm

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Idaho Ave

Oldtown ID 83822

Responding Officers: Valdez, J, Madden, G

Disposition : ACT

Unit: 332 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched: 03:01

Time Arrived : 03:02 Time Completed : 03:07

Unit: 6 Time Reported: 02:59 Time Dispatched: 03:02

Time Arrived : 03:07 Time Completed : 03:07



Report of an alarm in the 300 block of North Idaho Avenue, Oldtown.



03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 19

Date: 03/12/13


13-004018 Citizen Assist

Call Received By:

Incident Address : N Boyer Rd

Sandpoint ID 83864

Responding Officers: Chandler, R

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 334 Time Reported: 03:09 Time Dispatched: 03:46

Time Arrived : 03:46 Time Completed : 03:47



Dispatch Summary: Agency assist in the 4000 block of N. Boyer Road.


13-004019 Unsecure Premises

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Fry, T, Aerni, M

Disposition : CLO

Unit: 4006 Time Reported: 03:57 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 03:58 Time Completed : 04:08

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 03:57 Time Dispatched: 03:59

Time Arrived : 04:03 Time Completed : 04:08


Dispatch Summary Statement: Ponderay Officer located an unsecured premises in

the 476900 block of Highway 95


13-004020 Unsecure Premises

Call Received By:

Incident Address : Highway 95

Ponderay ID 83852

Responding Officers: Fry, T, Aerni, M

Disposition : ACT

03/12/13 Bonner County 9-1-1 747

10:30 Daily Activity Log, with Law Narrative Page: 20

Date: 03/12/13


Unit: 4006 Time Reported: 03:57 Time Dispatched:

Time Arrived : 03:58 Time Completed : 04:08

Unit: SP40 Time Reported: 03:57 Time Dispatched: 03:59

Time Arrived : 04:03 Time Completed : 04:08


Dispatch Summary Statement: A Sandpoint officer assisted Ponderay Police on a




Report Includes:

All reported dates between `05:00:00 03/11/13` and `05:00:00 03/12/13`

All natures

All responsible officers

All received by officers

All dispositions

All locations

All cities

All agencies

All responding officers


*** End of Report /tmp/rptAWaaaa-rplwdal.r1_1 ***