Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Support new board's efforts to get it right

| May 2, 2013 7:00 AM

Bonner County Commissioners recently voted unanimously to nullify, and not repay illegal solid waste fund loans. The money was illegally accumulated in the solid waste fund and illegally spent on the courthouse and juvenile detention center.

The board’s decision means that taxpayers, who have already paid enough for these contentious projects, will not be stuck with an additional $210,000 annual expense, over the next 15 years, to repay the illegal loans. The board’s decision also should result in lower solid waste fees since the remaining solid waste reserves should be returned to the ratepayers, in the form of lower fees, and future fees should not be accumulated without voter approval.

We tried it the old board’s way and ended up with law violations, runaway courthouse costs and a juvenile detention center that wasn’t “ordinary and necessary.” Let’s support the new board’s effort to get it right.

