This Congress is disgusting
We all know the tax code is a disgrace; the war on drugs is a loser; our infrastructure is rotting away; industry pollutes our air, water, and soil; yes, we do need gun control; our schools are failing the students; our borders need to be secured; if it is too big to fail, it is too big; hospitals should have one price for all patients; a debt limit is asinine; we shouldn’t be locking up people in Guantanamo whom we can’t prove did anything wrong.
We all know these and other problems abound — climate change, cyber-attacks, pandemic disease, terrorism — while Congress just focuses on thwarting Obama’s every effort; and cringes in terror of what Hillary might do to them in 2016.
Take those four from Idaho: Messrs. Mike Simpson, Raúl Labrador, Mike Crapo, and James Risch. Can anyone say what these four public servants have accomplished in Congress? I mean, is anyone better off for their combined statesmanship?
Heck, we can train monkeys to vote the Republican party line. What do you say to kicking the whole bunch out — yes, I mean all of them … lock, stock, and barrel.
Let’s put people in office who will participate in some old-fashioned log rolling. I challenge one and all voters: let’s demand Congress negotiates solutions. Why are we paying them $174,000 plus benefits when we are getting nothing? It’s time for Idaho to wake up and find another Frank Church. I know they are rare, but not extinct.