Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Who are the kids and who are the adults?

| November 7, 2013 6:00 AM

In 2003, the Bush administration and the Republican-controlled Congress pushed through a controversial Medicare prescription drug program. Both misinformation and arm twisting were used to force it through.

When the act went into effect in 2006, the rollout was a disaster, something many have forgotten. It was so bad that, in his 2006 State of the Union address, President Bush said not one word about the new plan.

And here’s where the Democrats, most of whom opposed the Rx plan, and the Republicans clearly demonstrate their differences. In 2006 the Ds stepped up to support and assist with the implementation.

But not so for the Rs and Obamacare. Not only did they vehemently oppose the bill, a position they have a perfect right to take, but, after it passed, was signed and vetted by the Supreme Court, the Rs stepped up their opposition. Here is a list of their credits:

Promoted the burning of Obamacare “cards”

• Encouraged young people not to sign up

• Convinced many Republican governors to eschew state insurance exchanges and expanding Medicaid

• Sued the federal government to stop the law

• Refused to adequately fund the estimated implementation costs

• Voted fruitlessly, 40 times, to repeal the law

• Caused a 16-day government shutdown over repeal

One thing is clear. The Ds are the responsible adults, focusing their attention on what is best for the country. The Rs are petulant children, happy to take their ball and go home if they don’t get their way.

