Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Let's debate reality instead of fantasy

| September 17, 2013 7:00 AM

With the situation in Syria heating up, we hear from the right the chants of a president that oversteps his boundaries or that Obama is somehow usurping the power of Congress or worse, that somehow our administration is corrupted by Islamic religious fundamentalist groups. I think these kinds of things really need to stop if we are to take these folks seriously and engage in serious debate.

There are several reasons to disagree with Obama’s policies from his collusion with big banks, weak support for workers rights, religious pandering, no public option in the Affordable Care Act, criminalization of marijuana, spy programs, caving to Republican pressure on taxes, and so on.

These are all legitimate complains anyone can level against the administration, though it isn’t all bad. Obama has done some good with his tax plans, supports marriage equality for all people, refuses to act unilaterally without support of Congress, has expanded health benefits while lowering costs for Americans, increased funding for renewable energy, and put in some (albeit weak so far) protections for consumers.

You’ll note that none of these criticisms or compliments are made up or involve conspiracy theories. Each of them can be debated and discussed as to the merits of each policy and there can be agreement on what reality is.

There are plenty of reasons to disagree with an administration without making things up whole cloth. Turn off Fox News and gain some respect by debating reality, and not fantasy.

