Sandpoint's BID doesn't help anyone
This BID is unjust and I would like to give real reasons this “law, tax, organized group” should not be allowed to continue:
First when making laws, ordinances, or codes one must look at the rights granted under Article 14 of the U.S. Constitution. Which grants citizens the right to life, liberty, and property. Which all elected officials swear an oath to support and help promote ones “unalienable right” to pursue happiness.
Does this business improvement district “promote life” or would you say it has caused undue stress, with these expensive lawsuits business owners have undertaken, to keep control of their pursuit of being successful
Does this business improvement district “promote liberty” or would you say this is about “control.” Should a business not have the right to prosper or perish by its owners decisions?
Does this business improvement district “promote the individuals” right to property unless they are violating Laws related to “public health,” “public safety” or violating the “public’s good.”
This is one of those subjects Ben Franklin was talking about when he said it’s like two wolves (the yes vote and the no vote) arguing with a lamb over what’s for dinner. A well-armed lamb, according to Mr. Franklin, would look at their oath for guidance leading to a fair and prosperous future for Sandpoint residence now and in the future.