Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Watch out for poisons that seem good to eat

by Kathy Hubbard Columnist
| July 29, 2015 7:00 AM

Those blue-colored sports drinks make me nervous.

To me, they look like dish soap and when I see someone drinking one it makes me gag. It also makes me queasy to use those laundry or dishwasher soap tablets that look like candy. Why? Because a child could easily mistake one for the other and when ingested, of course, these products can be dangerous or even lethal.

When one thing looks like another, it’s important to make sure you know and your children know what in fact they are. And, always do your best to keep potential hazards out of the reach of little ones.

Put this number into your phone right now. It’s 1-800-222-1222. It’s the line into the National Capital Poison Center that you will call if you or someone you love has ingested; been splashed with, or inhaled something that you suspect may be poisonous even if it doesn’t result in an immediate reaction.

For the rest of the column, see the print edition of the Bonner County Daily Bee or subscribe to our e-edition.