Sunday, May 19, 2024

No headline

| April 21, 2016 1:00 AM

I just talked with Mike Huffine, the Forest Service person handling the Rock Creek Mine project.

For most, mining law is not part of life. What you need to know is that the law which regulates mineral resource development was written in the 1860s.

The fact that this project is being reconsidered caught me by surprise. I thought our victory against it in the 1990s was final. They’re wasting public monies reconsidering it now. Anyone who follows environmental news knows that mine tailings are forever. I don’t care if they have 100 stable years, they remain dangerous forever.

I am discouraged that this project has been reintroduced. If approved, this mine is just another form of eviction, of enclosure. Private profit versus public good.

Hecla’s shareholders (i.e. owners) are attempting to assert a right granted at a much different time in history. One in which the concept of running out of healthy air or clean water, was inconceivable.

Now, those things are in peril. Animas river, anyone? So, first of all, get in touch with Mike and let him know you want to be on the mailing list for this project. Email him at; make sure to include your mailing address and indicate you want to be on the mailing list. He’s a nice guy, but his position is bounded by bureaucracies. We’ve got to stop this mine. Get on the mailing list so you can be involved.

Then we can fight archaic laws that give public land to private corporations. We cannot trust virtue to trump profit.

