Sunday, May 19, 2024

No headline

| July 7, 2016 1:00 AM

On July 13, the Bonner County commissioners will be considering an amendment to the county’s subdivision ordinance making a number of changes which are not in the best interest of county property owners.

This amendment would allow the creation of a new four-parcel subdivision with absolutely no notice to other nearby property owners and with no public hearing. Neighboring owners will have no knowledge of the new subdivision until development starts, and will have no way to express any opinions or concerns about the project. Every property owner has a due process right to notice of a proposed significant change to a nearby property. A new four-lot subdivision certainly seems significant, and approval of it without notice will violate other owners’ legal rights.

This amendment would also allow the county to approve the new subdivision without alerting any other local agency. The county could issue its approval without having any idea whether the fire district, the health district, or the school district might have legitimate concerns.

Of course, this proposed subdivision amendment is not occurring in a vacuum. It is only the latest example of the current commissioners’ apparent zeal to dismantle many of the land use protections that have served us well. I urge the commissioners to reject this amendment and return to the common sense governance voters expect.

