Wednesday, December 18, 2024

No headline

| March 24, 2016 1:00 AM

Steve Temple, a volunteer on the Bonner County Planning Commission, resigned in protest recently because of a dispute with the elected Bonner County Board of Commissioners regarding process and policy issues related to changes in county building codes. The county planner and planning director have both been fired. Most of this seems to be about our commissioners' move toward smaller government in line with the conservative movement throughout the country. The primary issue in this latest scuffle regards the level of scrutiny required and timeliness for decisions related to land use.

Steve clearly has lost respect for our county commission. He has been a leader in big business and public service in this country and internationally. He is highly accomplished and respected. The commissioners portray themselves as practical businessmen who bring conservative values and efficiencies. Steve is not exactly a flaming liberal. If he left mad, the rest of us should wonder why, because whatever is going on at the county probably goes far beyond just the issue that caused him to resign.

Now to Jeremy Grimm's potential lawsuit against the county for defamation and interference with business relations (Bee 3/11/16). He apparently had a dust-up with commissioners at a meeting. Commissioner Todd Sudick took it upon himself to inform Jeremy's employer, Kochava, that Jeremy was wearing a Kochava jacket at the time. The implication being? Short of physical threats, which would appropriately be referred to the sheriff, when has it ever been OK for elected officials to undermine someone's employment because the official felt insulted. Many elected officials would need vast armies of lawyers to go after every insult, and they would be laughed out of office for doing so. I agree the company jacket was inappropriate at a public meeting regarding a personal issue, but it's an oversight of no great importance. I hope Kochava slapped Jeremy's hand, shoved a cigar in his mouth and sent him back to work. Jeremy originally came to Sandpoint as the town's planning director, and that was one of the best things to ever happen here. So I repeat, what the hell is going on at the county and who is going to step forward to restore some sanity.

