Friday, January 10, 2025


| May 13, 2016 1:00 AM

1: The decline of our nation morally and economically. Our current senator voting for issues like Obamacare on a state level, and the recognizing of “gay” marriage, when it is expressly prohibited by the Idaho Constitution. These are only a few of the votes that our current senator has supported that are totally at odds with what is right. I further believe the Supreme Court has violated its proper role and it Is the citizen as well as each elected officials duty to go by the original intent of the Constitution no matter what the majority of nine black-robed judges decide. Our form of government will not stand unless each branch exercises it check on unlawful court rulings.

2: I have lived in District 1 longer that any of the legislative candidates, not only growing up here but being involved in multiple private enterprises. I have operated businesses in a logging, construction, log home building (timber frame and currently manufacturer of timbers), and timber and log products. I have seen firsthand the waste and abuse of the forests by the federal government in our district. My wife and I (mostly my wife) have home schooled our eight children.

I believe that understanding that our nation and state were founded upon the recognition that we are “grateful to Almighty God for our freedom” is paramount. I recognize it is the responsibility of each citizen to live in the fear of God and that the government is to do justice ruling in the fear of God. It is not the duty of government to provide and be a big brother or mother to the people, and those forms of government that have done this produce slavery not freedom. Freedom has a risk and that risk is far more palatable than slavery.

3. I believe there is a huge lack in our current government as to its proper role. That being to do justice, both in the civil /criminal area as well as economically. The current status quo is concerned with tax and spend. The U.S. Constitution prohibits the states from using anything but gold and silver coin. (Article 1 Section 10)

A hard currency provides just weights and balances’ and promotes honest industry. The current Federal Reserve system is not only unconstitutional but a corrupting influence on all commerce, while allowing the few to manipulate the wealth and policies of the nation. We need to return to constitutional monetary system to provide a stable economic system for business.

I believe that we need to establish justice; that means for those who steal, paying back what they have stolen , and in some cases, multiple times. For those who have committed capital offenses, they would be executed speedily. Our prisons are full and there should be little or no place for prisons, when justice is done. Warehousing people has not worked and will not work.

The education system needs to be privatized, currently the government schools are just incubators for socialism. They consume about 80 percent of the total state budget and are for the most part producing the economic and social problem of today.

4. The schools system needs to have their budgets slashed. The state must demand from the federal government to abolish the Federal Reserve and again coin silver and gold coin.

Start the process of revamping the “justice” system to real justice.

5. A return to the foundational principles of our nation.

6. Same as 3 above.

7. As stated above, government must do its proper role, and the people have to be free. Government is not, nor can it be a mother — to be free the people must be responsible.

8. No resonse

9. I would look forward to working with in government to cut its size and budgets.

10. I believe one of the biggest struggles in the community is to remember that civil government is not the solution to the problem, but the problem is most cases. The people need to look to private enterprise and individual responsibility for the answers to most economic and social challenges.

11. I don’t believe that H.B. 425 that was passed and voted for by our excising Senator. This bill recognized “gay” marriage and is absolutely in opposition to the Idaho Constitution. Further last year’s SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage was a perversion of justice and outside the scope of the Supreme Court. These are serious times and with the Supreme Court acting outside of its proper jurisdiction, it is up to the other branches of government , i.e. , the state legislature to counter SCOTUS’s rulings buy standing strong against there unjust rulings and voting NO on bills like H.B. 425. If we do not have legislatures who will stand strong when an out of control court rules that we no longer have the right to bear arms , they will cave on that issue also. To remain a free people each and every person must exercise their check on unjust rulings. We need to replace our existing Senator.

12. I believe many have so long looked to the “government” to fix their problems, that it will be difficult for them to change.

13. No response.

14. No response.