Friday, January 10, 2025


| May 17, 2016 1:00 AM

Editor’s note: Due to delivery issues, the candidate never received the Daily Bee’s candidate questionnaire. In the interest of fairness, we are publishing her candidate’s biography so voters have all information available.

I am the grandchild of two sets of immigrants.

My father’s father came from Italy and worked as a coal miner. He spoke five languages because he had to work with many other immigrant coal miners from other countries. The family saved and purchased a farm in Rupert, Idaho. My grandfather was a member of the local grange until his death.

My mother’s family came from Ireland as a group of brothers who homesteaded land in Oklahoma and settled ranches there. They did not come to America for handouts but for hard work. They knew that this was country was built on a foundation like no other in the world.

I was raised in the Trea-sure Valley on a small ranch outside of Meri-dian, Idaho, and except for a few years in Alaska I am a life-long Idahoan, currently residing in Elk City, Idaho.

My education includes an associate of arts degree from the University of Alaska Anchorage and a bachelor’s of science degree in social science from BSU with a graduate certificate in ‘addiction studies’ and a certification as a certified alcohol drug counselor. I also hold a technician’s class amateur radio License from the FCC.

I have 40 years of combined experience in criminal justice and related social services such as the drug and alcohol rehabilitation fields. I worked as a counselor specific to incarcerated adults and violent youth. In Alaska, I had a governor’s appointment to the Juvenile Justice and Family Services Advisory Committee. I have also worked as a volunteer veteran’s advocate and proudly served as a member of the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary.

Today, many politicians see their office simply as a job and a means to increase personal wealth. Their eyes have strayed from the foundations of our fathers and turned towards the collective instead of the individual. I believe it is the job of our Legislature to undue the unconstitutional ropes that are being tightened around our necks, rather than making more laws and creating boards, committees and bureaucracy without end. Unlimited government is dangerously unconstitutional and we must not ignore it.

I am uncompromisingly pro: life, Christian, traditional marriage, Constitution, Second Amendment, state sovereignty, lower taxes, freedom, individual rights and responsibility, local control of education, peace officer, nullification (state and jury), business and agriculture, rights of property and business owners.

I am uncompromisingly against: big, global, and intrusive government, taxes, police states, nanny states, infringements of individual rights, bureaucracy and bureaucratic regulation, unchecked/illegal immigration, Socialism, cartels, monopolies, cronyism, entrenchment and centralization of power.

I understand: the Constitutional limits to governmental authority, the inherent power of a sheriff, the difference between a right and a privilege, the threats from: central banks, paper money, debt, and Keynesian economics. I understand: the corporate nature of government and citizenship, the enslaving and disincentive nature of taxes and regulations. I understand the critical battle for freedom, the difficulty of this job, and that somebody has to do it. I understand the founder’s idea of the citizen representative.

I will not relent to the cancer of political correctness by compromising the Constitution or the Idaho Republican platform. Governments are instituted in order to safeguard life, liberty and property yet government has become so large and intrusive that it has become the greatest threat to life, liberty, and property.